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Back from the dentist


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I was very pleased with my visit to the dentist and oral surgeon today! I had my teeth cleaned and looked at my X-rays. I apparently need three fillings which he is willing to do all at one time since I don't take novacaine.


The oral surgeon didn't charge me for the X-rays he did because I had just had some done at the dentist and insurance would not have covered it. He said he would take out all four in one sitting using only a local. Three of them are in nice and straight, one is slightly impacted. Best of all, my insurance covers a lot more of it than I thought it would, so the total for all four is about $175.

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Whoa, you're made of true grit, girl.


Congrats and I admire your positive attitude towards dental work. Is it contagious by any chance? I need it.


Have you or anyone else here ever had wisdom teeth pulled with general anesthesia?


Three of my wisdoms are impacted, but I have no trouble with them. Got a teeny cavity in one last year, but otherwise no big deal. But of course, the dentist says I should get them out and that if I wait until I'm 90 (current plan) it will half wreck my mouth getting them out. I'm not sure if he's just wanting a bigger yacht or if he's being truthful.



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My DD and oldest son did not have anything but a local. My youngest DS had mild anestesia. His wisdom teeth were all impacted and had to be surgically removed. DD wound up with a dry socket which was painful. I have a great advantage I guess, I don't feel much pain. I have had dislocated ribs (horse accident), fractured elbow with badly cut arm from a roll-over auto accident (lots of embedded glass too), and various other injuries that would send a lot of people for serious pain meds. I might take some Tylenol. It has its downside though. At times, I ignore things that might really need attention. I cut my finger to the bone while taking up ceramic tile and it took a long time for it to stop bleeding and to heal. But it didn't hurt much, so I just doctored it at home. Same with a cat bite that made my hand and arm swell up badly. My most recent boo-boo was a fractured toe. Two by fours can be dangerous!

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Teaberry, I had a general anesthetic. I was terrified (due to a traumatic root canal 5 years earlier), so they put me out. I had 3 impacted...the 4th one doesn't seem to exist!


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I am so glad your ins will pay for so much! I had mine out with some kind of IV sedation. My dental surgeon said I talked more than any patient he ever had ROFLOL I don't remember them taking out 3, but I came to during the 4th and it was something else, be prepared to hear breaking bone noises and feel a LOT of pressure. It didn't hurt though. Take all the meds you are prescribed afterwards even if you aren't in pain because if you wait unitl it starts to hurt it doesn't work as well. Good luck with your extractions

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I've heard breaking bone before! That doesn't bother me. My extractions should be pretty simple. He agreed to just have me take Ibuprofin. Nothing very powerful. I don't do well with a lot of meds, so I avoid when at all possible and just sleep until I feel better. How about wine, does that work?

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I had mine pulled, all under local, and I remember that horrible breaking bone noise... yuk. I had one socket go dry and you are right it is very painful. Other than that I didn't need anything stronger than a regular tylenol for pain. Maybe I was just fortunate too. Anyway, good luck Goatherder.



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