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Finally Friday


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It's a sunny morning here and should be a nice day. DH and I are cleaning this house up a little bit since we have company coming Saturday.


Him helping clean house is a totally NEW thing since he retired. I just say I need help and he says ok......as Martha Stewart would say; "that's a good thing"


Have a nice day

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Good morning! Today is going to be somewhat busy. My two oldest boys are going to be in a play at school this evening but they have practice from 1 until just before the show starts at 7. It's going to be a long one for them but all the kiddos are enjoying themselves. A group from Missoula comes down every year and holds workshops and works with the kids to put on a play. This year it's Alice In Wonderland with a twist, there are dancing lobsters in this version! My oldest is one of the cards.


I have to make a couple of cheesecakes for this weekend, one for a dinner we're going to tomorrow evening and I had been asked to bring a dessert and we're having a potluck after church on Sunday so might as well bring a cheesecake to that too Tomorrow we're going to have a prime rib dinner - yummy! Can't wait.


I haven't posted much lately but have been reading - just too busy having my own little pity party and trying to keep up with the boys and housework.


Well, I better go read some more posts before I have to scoot off and get busy. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


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Another week nearly over. Uni started this week, but a quiet week as only lectures, next week the tutes begin. At this point the subjects look ok. One subject is using a textbook that hasn't been printed yet! We have to read it off the web until it is published. So it is time for getting into the study.


Snowmom - I have had severe back problems for years and this summer I finally have had a whole summer without pain. I dont sweep, vacuum, mop, garden, or anything else that causes me any discomfort. It is hard to leave it alone until someone else can do it, I do have a wonderful group of friends who will pitch in and help when DH cant do it. I simply came to the realisation, that if I do something that hurts my back then I cant do anything at all for weeks. So I have to care for my back. I am hoping that if I am careful now, plus add some muscle strengthening excerises, that some of the smaller jobs will eventually be mine again. I know it is twice as hard when the people that should help, cant. That is when it is time to swallow pride and ask a friend to help! Either that or dont look down!!!





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