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Good Morning America Bird flu coverage


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Good Morning American will be having Avian Flu coverage all this week. It will also present some at the evening world news and Nightline I believe. What I can tell so far is that they are going to give the american people just what the government allows them to. They are reccomending

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Tomorrow morning, Good Morning America is supposed to have information on what we can personally do to prepare for the Bird flu.....???



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Well, from what I've seen so far, all ya gotta do is grab a can of tuna fish, and a box of instant milk and just throw those babies under your bed.


*rolling eyes*

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Dh and I watched it this a.m. Was disappointed with their saying to stock up for 10 days. We are wondering if the government wants to slowly have the public prepare for longer times, so will gradually increase the number of days to stock for.??? On the positive side - they are finally telling people to stock up for longer than 3 days.

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This morning it was the Red Cross and the reccomedtion was for 10 days supplies and included easy to eat foods, T-paper and etc. At least a better variety was suggested than tuna and powdered milk. They gave a one sentence mention to the possibility of not haveing electricity and a special mention to batteries. Hmmmm.


Here is a thought I had. We heard 3 days, 7 days and now we are hearing 10 days. I wondered if they are doing this on purpose NOT to cause a run on the stores. If people go out and stock up for just a few days, and then later go stock up for a few more days and etc, it will not cause a problem for suppliers. I keep wondering what the next reccomendation is going to be. My guess would be 2 weeks.


Supposed to be more on the ABC nightly news and on Nightline but I missed yesterdays. I do understand they said they didn't know why this particular virus was mutating so fast. They are saying a 50/50 chance that it can mutate to cause person to person....what they didn't say was that is because it only has ONE more mutation to go. Does anyone remember what it had a couple of months ago? Seems like it was five or six?



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They also mentioned things for the children to do incase the schools were shut down.. what that a 'hint, hint' to prepare for longer then 10 days?


considering the red cross spokesperson said.. '10 days is what we should have normally'. If people don't have at least 10 days.. this is a begining for them.



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After reading every 'bird flu' article on their website, I sent the following email to Good Morning America.


At the Red Cross' suggestion, you're promoting 10 days of preparation for a possible 'bird flu' H2H outbreak. Yet your written article states 'the worst waves of illness seem to pass through communities in a matter of six weeks to eight weeks.' Given those stats, what are we supposed to do for the other 32 to 46 days of 'sheltering in place'? I'm concerned w/ the discrepancy in numbers. With current available info, 6-18 months is more realistic. The 'guv will fix it' myth needs to be dispelled.


If I don't post in the next few days, you'll know what happened...

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I watched it too, and was dissapointed. But I heard that we should have food that was easy to prepare in case there was no electricity. What was that? Only prepare for ten days, but be ready in case the power goes out? What, will it only go out for 10 days? After it was over, I told my husband about it, and asked him how many days the Red Cross told people to prepare. He said three. HE was surprised to hear that it has now been uped to 10. Where will it go from here? I think you are right...they are trying to prepare people without causing a panic. I just hope they are giving us aple warning before we have to run for the hills!!

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If you have noticed Grubby and I have been talking about

NIMH batteries. It stands to reason that those who operate

the grid could also get sick from the BF. Therefore, it

seems prudent to have a large assortment of various types

of batteries on hand as well as water and food. BTW,

this is the first time, I believe, the Red Cross has

mentioned batteries.



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After reading every 'bird flu' article on their website, I sent the following email to Good Morning America.

At the Red Cross' suggestion, you're promoting 10 days of preparation for a possible 'bird flu' H2H outbreak. Yet your written article states 'the worst waves of illness seem to pass through communities in a matter of six weeks to eight weeks.' Given those stats, what are we supposed to do for the other 32 to 46 days of 'sheltering in place'? I'm concerned w/ the discrepancy in numbers. With current available info, 6-18 months is more realistic. The 'guv will fix it' myth needs to be dispelled.

If I don't post in the next few days, you'll know what happened...

Good for you Nana for doing this!!!
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I was thinking the same thing as Mother, that they are increasing the prep time slowly to prevent a panic.


Also, I think that Leavitt was just trying to tell people to prep, not list everything they need. He is Utah born and grown, so he has been a prepper all his life. At least the public is being informed about prepping. Setting off a panic in buying would only empty the stores.


There will be more on World News Tonight about what to have in your house. Hope it's interesting.

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According to ABC world news tonight, Robert Webster, dubbed the Flu Hunter and the man credited with being the first scientist to find the link between human flu and bird flu says he has three month's supply of food and water stored at his home.


I'm grateful they mentioned that on TV but it says a lot about the fear that he must have. He most likely is not going to be isolating himself as his work with the flu must be vitally important. I believe he knows that the public at large is NOT going to take the precautions that he takes in his work with the Avian Flu and it's going to spread enough to make procurring food and water a real problem.


Questions arise. Why just three months? Does he believe that at the end of that time there will be enough of a lull to further stock up? Does he have a supplier he is confident with?


I, for one, am not confident enough to go for just three months but at least it gives those who are new to stocking up a time frame to shoot for to begin with.


Still, now we've heard 7 and 10 days, and now three months implied in the course of two days. And here I thought two weeks would be the next one. Now I'm left to wonder what the next implication will be.


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