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another view

little sister

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Paint me skeptical about the bird flu issue.


I find it very suspicious that the pandemic scare (although it hasn’t happened in the countries where the bird flu exists) that half will be dead comes at a time when the USDA is also pushing mandatory premises location and mandatory animal ID (NAIS).


What better way of pushing through their agenda than to scare to public, most who have very little, if any, knowledge about how their food is raised. Or that there are small producers that raise their own food that will be adversely affected by the NAIS.


If there truly was a great concern about health, why isn’t more being done about West Nile Virus (carried by mosquitoes) or Lyme disease (carried by deer ticks) both which kills many Americans already.


Perhaps it has to do with there is little money to be made by arresting WNV & Lyme disease, but push the small producer out of business and the Agr-Biz can control it all.


The folks who control the food, control the community.


Just thoughts to ponder.


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If there truly was a great concern about health, why isn’t more being done about West Nile Virus (carried by mosquitoes) or Lyme disease (carried by deer ticks) both which kills many Americans already.
Perhaps it has to do with there is little money to be made by arresting WNV & Lyme disease, but push the small producer out of business and the Agr-Biz can control it all.

This is exactly what my dh thinks.
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Good point RTLMOM

2 of my children have Lyme Disease,which we are treating thru a naturalpath. I have to agree that not much is being done or said about the disease leaving me to research everything on my own. I do however worry more about Bird Flu H2H,rather than if they will die from a parasite that I keep very strict watch over.So I guess I will still get ready for this and hope it doesn't happen.

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I believe the threat from the Avian Flu is very real.

I also believe the TPTB will use whatever they can to reach their agenda. They seem to have forgotten who it is that pays the bills.

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I had lyme's disease many years ago (almost ten now) and was treated with several years of antibiotics, much to the detriment of my entire system. Am now fighting Fibromyalgia, probably because of both the Lyme disease and the antibiotics. I have also done extensive research on this subject because very few doctors seem to realize how serious this disease really is. Researchers are pretty sure now that even those treated for that specific type of bacteria, might still have a co-existing bacteria along with it that wasn't vanquished by the antibiotics used on the Lyme disease bacteria thereby creating what they are starting to term Chronic Lyme Disease.

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I researched both options (antibiotics and naturally), and found a hugh difference. The antibiotics push the parasite deep into the cells and kill the cells much like cemo. Where as the natural way draws the parasite out into the blood stream and attacks it there. It is a longer processs, but healthier in the long run. With that I have found that they are more incline to develope problems with yeast overload. Even though we have been organic for years, we are now free of wheat, sugar, and dairy. We are going on 3 years now, and my children see their doctor every other month to do progress checks and med evaluations. Worried how they will do if H2H keeps us in the house for an extended period of time.

Feeling very empathetic for the rest of the people that will need definative hospital care and won't be able to go to get chemo, or whatever they need.

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