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Hand wash Kills BF in 30 Seconds


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(Here's the story in case the link breaks down:)


20 April 2006




Hope over £2.99 spray


By Greig Box


AN ORDINARY handwash costing just £2.99 can kill the bird flu virus in 30 seconds, tests have found.


No-Germs, a simple hand spray, has been on sale over the counter for two years. But when the H5N1 avian flu outbreak gathered pace among birds, No-Germs owners decided to test it against the virus.


The results, revealed yesterday, were remarkable - the handwash was more tha 99.8 per cent efficient in killing H5N1. The discovery has been heralded as a "major breakthrough" - particularly if the virus ever mutates into a human form.


Sean Campbell, managing director of the British company behind the product, said: "We are very excited.


"We tested the product against H5N1 on the off-chance. We were confident it would work as it kills most viruses, including hospital superbug MRSA.


"The tests are incredibly thorough and took a few months.


"We put the virus into kidney cells, then the product. The test was whether the product protected the kidney cells from the virus, which it did.


"Eighty per cent of all common illnesses are spread by hand to mouth, nose and eye contact. Killing the H5N1 virus before it has a chance to enter the body is the key.


"On average, people touch their faces every five minutes and that is how germs spread.


"We can say with total confidence No-Germs will protect against H5N1. We will now work hard to get the product included in any H5N1 emergency pack."


No-Germs is already widely available in the UK.


Stores including Tesco, Boots, WH Smith, Londis, Moto and Superdrug have stocked it.


The product was developed two years ago in an effort to tackle MRSA.


No-Germs was tested against a strain of H5N1 at a lab at Queen Mary's School of Medicine and Dentistry in the University of London.


H5N1 has killed more than 100 people worldwide - but almost all were in direct contact with diseased birds.



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Ahh, was feeling so great 'cause I got the link thingy to work. Now it might break down. What's all those other things on the right with the URL box under instant UBB Code do? (I know next to nothing 'bout computers.)

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Is this different from the other types of hand wash doo-hickeys in the bottles? (Sorry, my brain's on sleep cycle now and I can't remember what the stuff's called!)


Seriously, the news in this article is really good to know and I plan on getting some of this if I can find it. Right now I keep the other type of doo-hickey stuff in my car and use it whenever I'm out and have to touch things that may be germy.

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Sounds like a product worth keeping an eye on.


waiting, this link may answer some of your questions.


As far as "those other things with the URL box,"


Email - when you use this button to place an email address in your post, it makes the address "click-able" so that clicking on it brings up an email message form. webmaster@mrssurvival.com


Image - using this button allows you to place the link of an image in your post, so when viewing the post, you see the image. (like I was doing when posting photos of our People's Home Library book, or the image of the smileys we use on this forum.) teu79.gif


List Start, Item and End - these buttons allow one to make a list in a post.

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Poll Start, Option and Stop - These buttons perform like list but, allow posters to "vote"



Bold and Italics will make the words you type just that, bold or Italic


The quote button sets up the code for quoting someone. You have to copy and paste or type in what you want to quote.


The code button, I'm not too sure about...I think it's for adding more UBB codes to your post.


Last but not least, are the s


I hope I haven't thoroughly confused you because, I think I confused myself! ROFL!







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I thought the biggest danger from BF was from inhaling it from other people coughing, so I'm wondering how this might help that much.


I mean, yes, every thing *potentially* helps, but if it's in the air, clean hands won't help...



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What concerns me, also, is that the virus lives on surfaces for awhile. Also, if you are tending to someone with the BF this might come in handy. Wonder if it could be misted in the air to eliminated BF germs? Comments?

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waiting, this link may answer some of your questions.

I haven't thoroughly confused you because, I think I confused myself! ROFL!

Thanks, PoGo. I'll read up on all this. Can't confuse me, I stay confused. LOL
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When the powers that be state that a germ is 'airborne', they are saying that it is spread by coughing or sneezing because it is forced out of the lungs and throat and initially floats on the air.


It doesn't stay in the air very long; the 'droplets' are heavier than air, so they drop onto any available surface.


The reason these germs are spread so easily is because people come along and touch these various surfaces, and then touch their faces, eyes, mouths or food, and they are then introduced into the mucous membranes. They then set up housekeeping and multiply in those moist tissues and build up in the lungs.


If a person could go the entire day without touching a surface that was germ-laden, they would never get these germs, unless, of course, someone coughed or sneezed directly in their face and their mouth was open or the droplets went up their nose.


I'm going to post a 'class' on gloves, handwashing, and aseptic technique. I'll be happy to answer any questions, as it tends to get a bit wordy and technical at times, and can be confusing. It will be titled 'Aseptic Technique'.

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