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Bean Soup (repost)

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i got a pot of beans on for supper tonight, thought of having cornbread with it, but don't have the stuff to make any. so will have to settle for biscuits, with butter and blackberry jelly.


what do you season your bean soup with???






Onions , salt and bacon... Yummy! After they are cooked I add a bit of vinegar to my bowl..






I'm with Buttercup (at least until the vinegar!)... onions, salt, (sometimes bacon) with ham.




I also like to add about a cup of applesauce to my bean soup. It adds a touch of natural sweetness and extra nutrition.


When I have leftover applesauce, I freeze it and then use it in the soup or in cookies or cake.






Got my Cranberry beans right here! The only thing I have added to them is a bit of dust...so pretty! Honest, they are in a 4oz jelly far (ball) right next to my computer.


Still haven't found them sold here yet...I am looking.


But if I did have them...I would add thyme, salt, pepper, ham hock perhaps and of course onion.






well that's what I have in mine plus a little celery.. I used pinto beans.


Ok we won't laugh about the apple sauce Cat (*giggle) ..Am not laughing...


Wes I will send you some of mine so you can plant them. I'v got lots.






really too pretty to plant!


applesauce? applesauce? in beans?? beans!! not in cake? beans.

Sorry, but I think leftover applesauce would be much better in a

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