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Trying Tuesday


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Good morning, Snow, it's good to read your words today, I was thinking about you last night.


Yesterday was mostly lazy day...I've entered the "can't sleep" phase of things LOL so I haven't been getting much done, which explains why I was posting at 12:30 am LOL. But DH was home early so he went and picked up the kids then went to the store and got the fixins for grilled cheese and tomato soup, then my big kid fixed it for us. Sure was nice!


Today I need to get a LOT of laundry done. It's supposed to get pretty chilly out after today so I won't have a lot of chance to get that done later in the week.


Tonight we're having grown up sandwiches. I mentioned to DH last night that I wanted a GOOD ham sandwich, and we got to talking about Virginia ham with swiss on sourdough...so we decided that would be dinner LOL.


I was watching Wife Swap last night (not a lot of TV choices LOL) and was horrified to see one of the wives water bath canning deer meat. Last week I was all excited cause they said one of the families were "Prepared for the end of the world" or some such. Well they were self sustaining, farming their own animals and such, but they were on a raw foods diet...including RAW MEAT. They were eating raw chicken breast and all I could think was "you have an open coop and when BF comes you are gonna regret that decision!" ACK! I can't wait till we get satellite next month LOL. I can watch some intelligent TV (if there's any of that left).


OK, off to read a bit then finish getting kidlets ready.



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