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Irish Cream Liquor Recipe for The CG

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This is a recipe my friend introduced me to a long while back. It was supposed to be put in decorated pint mason jars, kept refrigerated, and given as a hostess gift when visiting friends, which we did a lot of back then. We used to say it was 'calorie free' wink and it definitely was a treat. The whole thing will not fit in a normal blender jar, so we blended it in portions and then put in a pitcher, stirred and then divided it up. Lots of times, it never made it to anyone's house. The stuff is adicting. Beware!


(Note: the recipe calls for raw eggs, which never bothered us before. However there is a way to pasturize eggs in the shell, and then use those. You need to find that method on the web. I don't know if the egg substitute stuff is pasturized, if it is you can use the equivalent. I don't know if the Irish Whiskey would neutralize salmonella (sp?).)




Irish Cream Liquor


4 Whole Eggs

1 C. Irish Whiskey

1 Can Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk

1/2 Pint Whipping Cream (8 oz. carton)

2 Tblsp. Hershey Chocolate Syrup

2 tsp. Instant Coffee (powder is better than crystals)

1/2 tsp. Almond Extract

1 tsp. Vanilla Extract


Blend all ingredients together.


Yields 5 cups


Keep refrigerated




Enjoy -- Amber


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