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Sunny Monday


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GoodMorningrainbow.gif everyone, I do hope you had a nice weekend. smile


Today the temp is 12º with a high of 35º and our wind chill is 12º, the sun is shining nicely and there isn't any wind. It should be a nice day and who knows, it might get warmer than the 35º they talk about. smile


Today for breakfast we will have BREAKFAST1.jpgfruit.jpgCOFFEEBLUECUP.gifTEAINGLASSCUP.jpgmilk2.jpgORANGEJUICE2.jpg and don't forget the water3.jpg , drink a lot of water3.jpg each day. smile


We did go to church yesterday and then stayed home the rest of the day, and we did take a nap. smile


We talked to all 3 of our kids and they all seem to be ok.


Our youngest son who is in Fargo, asked if we wanted the boys for the weekend later on this month. Of course we would take them, but, and here is the stickler, we were to meet them about 2 hours away from here and with Old Pine working it would have been after 9:00 when we would have gotten home. So, we had to say no, we wouldn't be able to make it that far. We thought they would bring them to the 1/2 way town, but they are headed out of state and didn't want to bring them that far. frown So, we won't be having them, unless they don't find any one else to take the boys for that weekend. To bad 'mom' wouldn't switch weekends with him for that time. frown


Well, I suppose I should get going as I have to feedme breakfast yet and do the dishes from yesteray, as I didn't do they last night.


You all take care and HAVEANICEDAY8.gif . th6dee1705-2.gif



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Good afternoon! It is sunny here as well! Not doing much today, getting ready to nap with the twins. I've been getting quite sleepy in the afternoons, especially since we quit drinking coffee. However, I'm feeling much better otherwise because of quitting. I guess my mind and body are still getting used to not having the caffeine.


The twins have a birthday this Friday and we're going to have a couple of their friends over just to play and eat dinner and cake - they'll enjoy that more than a big present. They'll be 4.


I have to make a big push on selling some books on ebay,here and Vegsource. We're being overrun with books and Legos. I may just have a yard sale, it'd be about the same amount of work as listing all of them online.


Well, that's all of my boring life for today, but being bored isn't necessarily a bad thing fyi


Have a great afternoon!

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Guess the day is mostly over, so I am late....Had to be in Bowling Green by 7:30 am this morning, with 5 chicks in tow. No.11 had to have 2 MRI's. We had to go to outpatient surgery, since he had to be put completely asleep. He had to have one MRI of his spine and sacral and the other of his brain with contrast. They were examining his spine, to see if he has a pinched nerve, which might be causing him to be incontinent. They did the brain, bacause his left side of his body is weaker and less coordinated, than the right side. The neurologist suspects Noah may have had a stroke at sometime. It took them almost 5 hours, to do the MRI's. We then had to meet the psy. therapist for 2 hours, and when we done there, I had to head to the pediatrican's office, because #7 was sick. We didn't get home tonight, until 5:30pm. That was our day!

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