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Sunny Thursday


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GoodMorningrainbow.gif everyone.


Our temp this morning is 28 degrees and our high is to be 40 degrees. The sun is really trying to come out but there are a few clouds in the sky. At least it isn't snowing today. smile


For breakfast today we will have some pancakes1.jpgWAFFLES1.jpgbacon.jpgScrambledEggs.jpgfruit3.jpgORANGEJUICE2.jpgwater3.jpgmilk2.jpgTEAINGLASSCUP.jpgCOFFEEBLUECUP.gif and best_hot_chocolate_01.jpg. That should cover about everything. smile


Momo, sounds like you really caught up on all the laundry and sewing yesterday. I think I will be ok for a few days as far as the laundry goes. smile I really need to get some sewing done though.


Have I mentioned we are going to be grandparents again?? It won't be until Aug., but I should get a quilt started at least. smile It will be more cutting, and painting than sewing until we find out what the name is. smile I make them with names and dates on them. smile


There is always something to do around here, it seems that I just never get done what I should though. frown


Old Pine fixed one of the drawers in the kitchen so now I need to get things put back in. smile So, that is one thing that will get done today. smile



I do hope you all



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Today also dawned sunny here in DFW. Morning temp was a crisp 38, with a projected high of 74. LIght breeze as usual--the wind never stops in NTX...

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Good Morning! It is laundry day here - but then most days are laundry days here. Also trying to rearrange the south bedroom to get some plant stands into those south windows. Hope everyone has a great day!

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