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Watching the Birdflu mutate, H5N1

Posted April 11, 2007


According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services, when this thing hits the United States, first alert, grocery stores will be wiped clean, coast to coast, within three days. The pandemic itself will sweep through 5,000 American cities within ten days. In other words, we will be on our own folks. The government has repeatedly warned us to prepare ourselves and our families for the past year.


I know it is hard to imagine a national disaster of this proportion hitting the modern world. But I have often said, “Knowledge is power, and in this case it just may save your life or the lives of your loved ones.”


This disease seems so far away, yet with the modern world and our methods of transportation, it could be here in the blink of an eye. The worst aspect of this disease is that it is killing children and can kill ours, too. The mortality rate on the H5N1 is more than 60%. With the government’s estimate that 84 million Americans will be effected by this, that says to me, the potential death rate will be in the multi millions.


The disease is mutating. It is referred to as reassortment and recombination. At this time, this is occurring in Egypt with the Quianghi Strain of the virus. I refer to a site called “Recombinomics” for daily updates. What I am seeing is a mutation that is resistent to Tamiflu. Our government spent millions of dollars stockpiling this drug in it’s preparation for a Pandemic flu. What now? You have to take this medication before you become symptomatic and after you have been exposed. Timing is everything. But with a resistance building within the virus, I believe the only way we could possibly survive a major outbreak is through social isolation.


Morticians around the country are panicking. They are not prepared for a mass number of dead. Mass graves and mass funeral pyres may be the only way to deal with this aspect of a pandemic.


I have been preparing myself and my family for the past year. Rice and water are the main staples of life on Earth. (I have a friend named Dave who was a P.O.W. in Vietnam for five years. He hung in a cage in a village. He was essentially, their pet. They fed this six foot tall man a small handful of rice and a cup of dirty river water each day for five years. If he could survive like that, then so can we.) I suggest to all I speak with on this subject that they store rice and water. According to the recipe I have found on water purification, forty drops of chlorinated bleach per gallon of water, can purify even scank river water. Rice is cheap, easy to store, and will last for long periods of time.


This disease is extremely virulent, contagious and deadly. According to Michal Leavitt, the Secretary of the United States Department ofHealth and Human Services, we can expect that the first wave of the disease will last two to three weeks. Then we will see wave upon wave upon wave lasting up to three months per wave. In the end the virus will lose it’s virulence. It is not in the best interest of the virus to kill all of it’s hosts. This disease has begun and is growing in the same manner as the previous avian pandemics that have hit our planet. People think, “Oh, it won’t come here. The government will protect us.” Think again! Michael leavitt has publicly stated that our country will be counting on the mothers of our nation to see the country through this. As we have done before, we will do it again.


The symptoms of this virus are the same at the onset as a typical flu, body aches, headaches, high fever, chest congestion. There is a great difference in this one. Here’s how it works: one small viral cell will enter one red blood cell. It will then implode and release another 1 million other viral cells. When this occurs ,it is called a Chytostorm. Treatment must occur within hours of the first onset or the chances of survival will be minimalized greatly. You see, these viral cells will attack the immune system and eventually they will bore holes into your lungs. It is very ebola like. You essentially drown in your own blood. I highly suggest reading, “The Great Influenza”. The 1918 Spanish flu is amamzingly similar to this one. How it began is amazingly similar to what we are seeing now, as well. Yet, in many ways this one is seen as much worse than even that one was. This one is mutating so rapidly and infecting so many different species that scientists and virolgists are gravely fearful of it.


I recently met a Navy Seal who was home on leave from the military. We talked of the war and then I looked at him and I said, “There is something coming that will make all these wars moot.” He looked me right in the eye and said, “I know. The Birdflu.” I was totally floored. This was the first time I had encountered another human being who was actually knowledgable on what I had spent the past year researching and preaching. He then went on to tell me that the situtation in Indonesia was much worse than we were being told. Nurse and doctors are dying, and they aren’t catching it from dead birds. He said he had spent the past year preparing his family, too.


July 18th of last year, all of the Governors of the United States were called into Washington. They were given $225 million dollars to be alotted per state according to their population. Then they were told to begin planning their wargames. They were given six months, but had to ask for an extension. Februaury 1st the play began. At first I balked against the idea of using our national Guard to police Americans at home. Part of the plan, is to mount them on every grocery store nationwide at first alert. After considering this, I realize it is a good plan. Our government understands that society will become an “Every man for himself” environment. It would really suck to have one rich [censored] walk into a store and buy up all the rations. They’re primary focus will be to give an equal alottment to everyone.


N95 masks will become a precious commodity. If you do not have any yet, I would highly suggest you purchase some. You will not want to leave your home without one or care for your sick without one. As I have watched this disease grow, I have also watched the price of these masks increase. Pet food, perscriptions, toilet paper, feminine products, nonparishable food, chlorinated bleach will be essential for life. I have also found an L.E.D. wind up lantern at Walgreen’s. I purchased a Red Cross wind up Emerency radio, too. Candles, cooking implements like charcoal will be very helpful. You will need al these things.


I have done my research through the World Health Organization, Pan American Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control, and Recombinomics. I do not have much faith remaining in the World Health Organization. They are run by the United Nations and I am not confident that they will tell us the truth of the situation anymore. Dr. Niman of Recombinomics is my best resource for daily updates and the truth on the characteristics of mutation that are occuring within this virus. his team is right behind the World Health, doing follow up research and telling the truth of the situtation.


You do not want to catch this virus when it comes. It is a painful death with a bleed out. I don’t want my daughter,friends, or loved ones to catch it either. They were all sceptical when I first approached them about preparedness. After their own follow up with what I have told them, each and every one of their households is prepared now.


I have a great love for humanity. Many people have nervously laughed in my face when I have spoken to them on this subject. I accept their laughter with good grace, for if by my talking to people and giving them my knowledge, I can save even one life, then it is all worth while.


I hope you will do your own research and prepare. It seems that nothing short of God on Earth can stop this one. Mankind and science are giving it their best but are striking out big time. P.S. I have had bouts with bronchitis in the past. It was so hard to breathe at times that I had to sit up to sleep. I suggest to many people that if they do get sick, not to lay down. I believe that is when your lungs will fill. If you’re in an upright, airplane seat, position then maybe your lungs will stay strong enough to fight through this. If you do get it and survive our Government is asking that you step up to the plate and help with the other s who are catching it. You will have some immunities to protect you. I would do it without a doubt.






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Cat, thank you for posting this. EVERY WORD is the truth, about what is coming our way. Just because the precise moment that the BF will land is not known....people pass it off. So sad. It is said [out of a group] 60% will catch the flu...AT LEAST 50% will die. So which of us will it be dying? Prepping, to promote social distancing, Food, protection, water, shelter, please do your best ...so YOU don't die.

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