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Beautiful Thursday


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GOODMORNINGLADIES.gif everyone. smile


The sun is shining so nicely again today. The temp according to the Weather Bug is 56º right now and our high is to be 75º today. I'm sure we hit over 80º yesterday. I had windows and a door open and also needed a fan brought upstairs. smile


For breakfast today we will have some ORANGEJUICE2.jpgBREAKFAST1.jpgCEREAL.gif and fruit3.jpg .


Oh Peace, the birds are returning here too, I saw a Rose Breasted Grosbeak on Sunday and now there are at least 2 pair of them. I saw an Oriole on Tuesday and yesterday I saw the first fuschiahummer.gif of the season. smile


For those of you who are getting a lot of rain or have gotten to much, PLEASE send some our way. It is going to take a lot of rain to get us out of the Fire Danger Zone, I'm afraid. frown


Well, before Old Pine left for work this morning he informed me that something had tried to get into the one feeder outside and broken it up, so we will need to get a new one. I'm sure it was a racoon, as Minnie was having a fit late last evening and we went out but didn't see anything. Old Pine has this very good light that shows up a long way and he even looked in the trees, but saw nothing.


Not sure what I will get done today. But, when Old Pine gets home from work, we are planning to got to the library, as they are having a book sale today and tomorrow. smile


You all take care and have a great THURSDAYCUP.jpgthf08921ba.gifHAVEANICEDAY8.gif


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75 is our predicted high today, it made it all the way to 87 yesterday.

T-storms early this morning but, sun is shining now and the door is open. Gonna get my spring cleaning done this weekend, G-daughters are doing it for me.

Have a good one.

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Nice day today-warm with just enough breeze to keep it comfortable.


Woke up to DBF saying: 'Wanna go fishin'?' grin Duh. YES!! We were on the lake at 8:30 and it was FOGGY-had to follow the shoreline to the first spot. Fog lifted finally about 9:30 and we moved (didn't have a bite at first place). Second place we played with a bunch of bitty fish-they ate alot of our bait, so we moved again. Finally found some fish. Back in at noon and home to clean them. We had 18. clap Not bad for the first fishing trip of the year. Will bag up 10-12 of them for our fishing party and eat the rest with the eggs (8, I think) for lunch tomarrow after they have a good salt water soak. yumyum


Hope everyone is having a GREAT day! smile


bighug2.gif and Kiss-On-Cheek.gif

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