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Is The Process Of Pressure Cooking And Pressure Canning Dangerous?


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When I was young, I remember hearing stories of pressure cookers opening and sending steam and food everywhere. I thought this was no longer the case but recently read of a pressure cooker being sold on one of the home shopping channels being recalled for injuring people. I'm about to learn to can and am a bit nervous about this. Are certain pressure cookers and canners safer than others? What should I look for? Which brand and model is considered the best?

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The only reason pressure canners explode is if you just plain walk away and don't watch them. I have canned for 34 years, not one problem. I also have taught many people to use them and no one that I know has ever had any problem, either. The new ones have pressure release plugs in them.

It depends upon what features you want in a canner. Some have a series of bolts that tighten down the lid, no rubber gasket to ever wear out. The new ones, the All American is the brand, also have both a dial and a weight you use. The weights are good because often it is hard to find anyone to test them nowdays. Even if I got a new dial gauge canner, I would buy the set of weights and use the weights. Presto and Mirro both have a gasket that will need to be replaced when it wears out.

As for a cooker (they are not the same thing, normally ) I would stick with a stainless steel one. If you use an aluminum one the acid in tomato products will react and taste awful and discolor the pan. Again, these are very safe to use. I love mine ! If you watch the thrift stores you can often find great buys on them. That is how I got mine and one for my daughter. I find most of the stainless ones to be made in Italy or someplace.

Now, back to the canner/vs cooker thing. The large canners will also say cooker/canner and can be used for both. They are aluminum, though.

If it doesn't hold at least 4 quart sized jars, then it can only be used for cooking, not canning. It would not be safe to use such a small size for canning otherwise.

I have a 6.5 quart size for cooking. The flavor of the meats and chicken is just wonderful.

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