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Week before last I was picked as an alternate juror for a "rape" trial, and for the next 7 weekdays the jury was subjected to the most sordid details of both families lives.


The accuser was just a week shy of turning 15 when it happened. The young man she accused was almost 17. The Sheriff's Dept botched the investigation, so after 3 years, the case finally went to court. There wasn't enough hard evidence to make any kind of determination of guilt, everyone's story conflicted, and it quickly turned into a "he said, she said" war complete with testimony from other teenagers as to the virtue of both.


Being a parent and grandparent, I immediately empathized with both sets of parents - can't imagine the Hell that they have been through for 3 years. Oddly enough, what's really been troubling me is the clothing the girl was wearing at the time of the incident. She had on jeans, a tee, a hoodie, a pink padded bra and a BLACK LACE THONG! I'm not easily shocked, nor am I overly prudish, but what kind of world do we live in when 14 year old girls from respectable (supposedly) families wear thongs and shave their pubic hair? (another detail that came out in testimony)


Admittedly, I haven't lived in close proximity to a teenager for quite some time, but even so, no daughter of mine would leave the house dressed like that. Am I crazy?

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Nothing surprises me anymore, well, yes it does but it's a strange world out there. My children are 35 and 28 so, of course, things have changed way more than I have and I'm out of touch with teenage things....thank the Lord!!! smile

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No you are not crazy...(well I am probably so take my assessment with a grain of salt, HA) Anyway, my daughter is going to turn 16 and I am hearing all sorts of horror stories about kids having sex at the school in broom closets or behind the auditorium stage curtains and what not. My daughter is upset about this. Yes, kids in middle school started wearing thongs and shaving their pubic hair. My daughter actually asked our doctor about it and our doc told her, "Honey, unless you are a Vegas showgirl there is little reason to be shaving that area..." Which is something I might add that I heard my daughter saying on the phone to another girl! LOL


We live in a small town and let me tell you that half of what I hear is surely only a tenth of what actually goes on. I truly do wish that we had homescooled. (My hubby objected at the time but now agrees...so we wish of course we had more kids to experiment with but we are older now.)


Unless you are certain your child is well imbued with your solid values, don't send them to public school. It's a moral cesspool out there.


We have a lot of cases of teen sex here, too.


How awful for those families--and I'm sure it wasn't exactly a fun trial for you to listen to, either! Wow.






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The things I heard when my girls were in high school shocked me. They fell in with a bad girl and it took its toll on our lives for several years. That girl ended up on Meth and tried to blackmail one of my Daughters into doing it with her. Thank God she was smarter than that. She was going to try and break up my DD relationship with her boyfriend by telling him a lie about her. They finally told her to take a hike. But yes kids are having sex on the bus, in the closets at school, it is happening here as well. I know a girl that broke into an abandoned house to have sex with her boyfriend. She was 15. They got caught and were arrested. Her Mom let the boy move in with them. The Daughter ended up getting arrested and sent to juvenile detention for threatening another kid at school. She has since moved out from her Moms and in with the boy and his Mom who is a drug dealer. There is a lot of pressure on girls to have sex. There always has been to some degree, but it is much worse now. If you don't have sex the guy dumps you. If you do he usually dumps you anyway. Girls that have sex are called names and boys are made out to be studs for doing so. Even girls pressure girls to have sex with boys. They are doing things I won't even go into in the name of decency. You think you teach your kids right from wrong and everything you can think of but when peer pressure rears its ugly head everything you taught them goes out the window.

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