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Storage of Dry Goods -?


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Could I ask for some feedback on my plan for dry goods storage please?


I have purchased a very large (for me - 13 cu.ft.) chest freezer and am vacuum-sealing all my dry goods with my foodsaver. Then I am putting all the vacuumed bags of rice, powdered milk, pasta, etc. into the chest freezer.


If I lose power due to a hurricane, it will at least keep everything cool and dry until the power is restored. Especially with the extra ice we plan on putting in there if one threatens.


Of course, in the case of TEOTWAWKI power loss, we'd move that stuff to a cooler place.


What do you think? Is this ok? Thank you!


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40 degrees or so is plenty cool for most dry storage. Though the freezer will kill off any bugs that may show up. Does your basement stay that cool? Please don't get me wrong, the freezer will work just fine, but seems overkill. You are right, even without power it will keep things cooler, esp with ice, for as long as you can get ice in a no-power situation...even without coolness many dry goods will still keep a while, enough to see you thru an emergency, so GOOD FOR YOU (!!!) on dry goods storage. Underground is the only other way I can think of to keep things cooler otherwise, since an evaporation cooler is not practical in large size.

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You might as well put all your dry goods in there, that is a good sized freezer. As you start getting more meat, veggies, frozen juices on sale you can slowly remove the dry goods, into totes or buckets maybe?


I'm still filling my 7.2 cu ft freezer!

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Kappydell, here in Florida we don't have basements....if you dig down a foot or two you hit water (or a sinkhole)!!!!LOL If I didn't a/c my house, it would be over 80 degrees every day, except maybe Nov-March.


Right now we turn our a/c up to 80 degrees when we leave for work in the morning, and turn it back down to 76 degrees for the night. Combine the high temps with 80% humidity and you see the problem with food storage here....not to mention the bugs.


So yes, I love my new huuuge freezer! Thanks for the feedback ladies!

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NYDebbie - that size was what I was originally looking for, but apparently Someone led me to this lady who needed to get rid of her big one....and I gave my thanks for it, too!!!


Congrats on your well-stocked pantry! I'm getting there! clapsmilie

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