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I'm so so so excited! My mom is in town for the next couple of days, which means I have someone to help with the kids while I can! Not only that, but I found a local source for pears, this delicious type of pears I've never seen or heard of before, and the farmer is selling them for twelve dollars a BUSHEL!!!!!!!!


I'm so excited.


She also said next week I could come and pick green beans with the kids and she'll sell them to me for TEN CENTS A POUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Have I mentioned how excited, and BLESSED I am!

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awwwwww that is awesome! It's so wonderful when we have family helping...it makes the work go so much smoother.


I'm going to be canning some greenbeans I harvested the other day so I'll be joining you in the fun from the mountains!


Good luck!

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