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When grapes go bad - question.


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Okay, I was making muscadine juice following this recipe




Everything went fine. I tasted the juice and it was a bit tart (I like things sweet) but otherwise good. After step 6, I put it in a big giant glass covered bowl and refridgerated it. Which the recipe says is fine. I pull it out today and it tastes terrible. I would say the taste is like the grapes are rotten and a bit metallic. I cant believe my grapes would go bad overnight - any idea as to what went wrong.


Im so disappointed because I paid so much for these grapes. Im about to pour $50 down the drain.

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Did you use any aluminum pans to cook them in ? That would ruin the juice, it could taste metallic since the acid would react with the aluminum. You need to use something nonreactive, like stainless steel or enamal covered pans.

Sorry this is awful tasting to you.

I know it can ferment in just a couple days, so you cannot keep in in the fridge really longer than overnight.


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I had this happen with pears. They were so ripe they turned overnight. I fed them to the worms. I was heartbroken.


You might still try a small batch and see...my chemistry days remind me that grapes do oxidize (like wine) VERY quickly. If, after cooking, it still tastes terrible, the grapes went bad.



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