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Dr. Don Colbert's Program on sale


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I really like Dr. Colbert and his approach to health, lifestyle, and faith. I have almost all of his books and I purchased this set from Amazon last year when it was $16.00. Right now it is on sale for $11.14...list price is $79.99. I have found that Amazon will raise and lower prices so if it is higher you can place it in your cart and when the price changes it will let you know when you log in. When I originally saw this set it was $16.00 but I waited until the following week to order and it had gone up to $58.00. I left it in my cart and when it went back down to $16 I ordered it.




I recently had a not so good annual physical and will be following Dr. Colbert's recomendations to try to turn some things around. My Dr. knows that I HATE to take meds but for now to prevent futher damage felt it was needed until we get more tests to find out exactly what's going on. I went and had more tests this week and am waiting for those results. Just praying that if I make some lifestyle and diet changes it will reverse some of the damage and it is nothing more serious.






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Hi I am new here on this forum and I have never heard of Dr. Colbert. Who is he and what kind of advice does he give in his books? I started prepping last year and have got a fair amount but am always interested in what other people suggest. Thanks for your help :rolleyes:

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I first saw Dr. Colbert on TBN about 5 years ago and found him very interesting and informative. He had books out at the time .....What You Don't Know May Be Killing You( http://www.amazon.com/What-You-Dont-Know-K...3308&sr=8-1) and Toxic Relief (http://www.amazon.com/Toxic-Relief-Restore-Through-Detoxification/dp/1591852137/ref=pd_cp_b_3 ) I got both of these books and loved them. They had so much information that all made so much sense. I never really thought about all of the chemicles that I used daily in our home. From the cleaning products to personal care products (shampoo, lotions, make-ups, deoderant, etc) I was ignorant to all the chemicals that we were being exposed to and how they could affect our health. After those two books I got some of his other books on health, diet and a couple of his Bible Cure books.


I like that he is a christian M.D. and he gives you information without being an 'alarmist' or acting as if he is a know-it-all but that he really wants to share all that he has learned so that others can have better, healthier lives. I feel he clearly explains why you shouldn't do or eat certain things and exactly how they negatively affect your health.


The set that he has on sale is great as it has the hardback book, workbook, journal, and then it has the DVD's so that he can explain things more clearly and all for under $12. It also has seven different plastic bracelets that I guess you are suppose to wear as you complete each step but I thought they were a little silly. Seven Pillars of Health which is what this set is based on lets you go through seven different steps or pillars of making changes to a better lifestyle. Pillar 1 is Water, Pillar 2 is Sleep and Rest, Pillar 3 is Living Food, Pillar 4 is Exercise, Pillar 5 is Detoxification, Pillar 6 is Nutritional Supplements, and Pillar 7 is Coping With Stress. It's all a little less overwhelming to do it this way.


I am terrible of explaining things, so I hope this has helped some. Even though I made some changes years ago with chemicles in the house the diet/lifestyle part has been alot harder.


His website is: http://www.drcolbert.com/cont_mission.php




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