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Monday, Monday...can't trust that day...


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Morning Everyone, :cele:


Sorry, but I do love those 60's songs and Monday, Monday by the Mama's and Papa's was one of them!


I thought about putting....... snow , snow , snow , AGAIN but thought it might look like I was complaining........AND I am! :P We're to have another 10" by tomorrow morning and 25 mph winds. This is just crazy!!!


I truly am thankful that we're safe and warm and need nothing. I can't imagine what homeless people do and how they survive. I hope none of us ever has to know.


I'm planning on really getting into cleaning today. I hate cleaning house but with this weather I can't find someplace to go to use an excuse so cleaning it will be. It'll be so nice when I'm done but it's the getting there that's the problem! :0327:


So, how's it going in your world today? It's time to let us know.


Be sure to smile at others. It might just be what someone having a really rotten day needs! :grouphug:



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Good sunny afternoon everyone! B)


It's a pretty quiet Monday here. DS is napping after what I think was a bad dream. DD and I just finished making Valentine M&M cookies (no M&M's for her). Dishes and laundry going but it's relatively quiet. :D


We took a "field trip" to the post office this morning so DD could send put a letter in the drop box and they could see what it looks like inside. We were going to try and run into Aldi but it was packed so we ran to Walmart and picked up eggs and brown sugar. I might run out and pick up a few things this evening when DH comes home since we are suppose to have snow come in at some point tonight (6 -12 inches by Wednesday morning) nothing huge but still. I'm hoping we can run to the local farm in the morning to pick up oranges and apples ($1.00 per 4 lb bag).


Have a wonderful day!

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