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Hoooray!!! We are on break!!


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I have not been able to get on here much at all the past few weeks!!! I have been missing this place like crazy, but now that we are on break I should be able to catch up on my reading and visiting. (Keeping fingers crossed that internet continues to behave!!)


With the holidays around the corner and me doing some "inner reflection" I decided to start a blog. Its called in Search of Holiday Happiness. We had such a miserable Christmas last year and the ones before have been so stressful. I have vowed NO MORE!!! Everyday I will be searching for something special to share about the holidays. I'll be looking for stories and making trips down memory lane. It will be anything and everything holidays so if you get a chance please stop by and check it out and SHARE!!! We'll see where the journey takes us all!!!



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We're on break, too! I spent yesterday trying to organize my kitchen and get some rice & beans sealed and put away. Today I'm hoping to get out into the garden (it's supposed to be sunny and bright and nearly 70!), and tomorrow I have to take my mom to the 'big city' and run some errands (including getting the rest of my stuff to make the Christmas ornaments...:sEm_blush:).


I'm off to check out your blog and I do hope your holidays are absolutely wonderful, ANewMe!!!

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Thanks....I'm having so much fun with this Blog and it is really helping me with the Holiday BLAHS. I have been all over the ads trying to find the best deal on XBOX 360 and decided to put all my research to better use and made a post in case someone else is comparing prices on Black Friday. Decided I'd do a few more items that people may be searching for as well. The only thing is by the time i finish up with that and spending time with the kids I barely get time to get over here and read. Guess I will have to get up earlier!!! LOL



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