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Saturdays are no longer one of my favorites


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My husband had to work Saturday. We got up and as I was fixing breakfast, we heard our dog barking. He is on a long run in the back. When I looked out he was facing up towards the front so I went out the front door. Shined a light out and a dog was circling around my duck pen. Scared him and two buddies off. Didn't really worry about, we have had dogs and coyotes circle the pen but no problems.


Went to go somewhere early and the duck pen looked strange. When I went over there, I discovered that the dogs had broken into the pen. They killed 6 ducks and 2 died later. I have one hen that may or may not make it. I have her in a carrier and she is still in shock. I don't know who the dogs belong to but if they come up here again, their owner will never see them again.


But, who I am mostly mad at is the owner(s). Current or previous (we have a lot dumps around here). I think they should have some serious punishment (a load of buckshot in the posterior sounds appropriate) and then maybe they would think twice about not taking care of their responsibilities. I have a dog. My husband was unemployed for two years but that dog is our responsibility and we took care of him (he is also a member of the family), not somebody who lives further out in the country and not our neighbors. They took on this responsibility and they should be taking care of it. Sorry if that interferes with their hanging out at the corner and buying beer by the quart but life is tough and it isn't always fair.

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If you shoot a dog, make sure you kill it, then bury it deep, like under the compost pile. Also, take photos of the damage to the pen and keep them in case you have to defend yourself in court. I am quite serious about this.

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we have the same problem here. Just found a pup that was abandoned hiding under the back deck. We took her to the vet yesterday and he said she was about 8-10 weeks old. So far all she has done is herd all my chickens into a group and back into the coop. It is funny to watch her do this but she so far... knock on wood... she has not attacked them just herds them to where she thinks they should be.

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I'm very sorry to hear this. It's bad enough now but imagine it was post-fall and the only source of food you had?

Ambergris has the answer there.

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And if someone comes around with "missing dog" flyers, keep your mouth shut! :smiley_shitfan:


If these dogs belong where I think, there will be no mising dog flyers. As my husband said, if they will do that kind of damage to get into a hog wire pen, would they also attack say our dog on a run, or me? Don't know. But, it will be on our property and there is no problem with hiding the body. We have 6 acres and then there is 160 acres right next door, 130 acres behind us and 12 acres next door. All but 4 acres around our house are solid trees.

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