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Several days ago I took a frozen load of my homebread dough mix out of the freezer to thaw. I normally heat up my microwave for a minute or two (with a wet paper towel inside) and then set my dough inside & let it rise in there. Anyway, I did this to let it thaw as well. After awhile, I heated microwave again and put dough back inside...and promptly forgot it! Woke up the next morning and opened the microwave to re-heat my coffee and was shocked to remember my bread dough had been in the microwave all night! It had risen & fallen. I thought, oh well...so I dumped it out, kneaded it again, put it back in a load pan & put it back in my heated microwave for a second rise. Was surprised that it did indeed rise. So I popped it into the big oven, and we got a loaf of bread...when I sliced it & we tasted it, it tasted exactly like sour dough bread! I don't intend to continue doing that, but was truly surprised. Here's a picture...

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I did something like this a couple of weeks ago, except I went to the store and forgot that I had been making bread dough in the machine. The next morning, the bread smelled like BOOZE! In fact, my entire kitchen smelled that way. My husband made several jokes, but I kneaded it again and let rise before popping it back in the oven. After it had baked, the bread still smelled like a distillery. I ate a small piece an gave the rest to the poultry over the next few days. I left the bag that it was in open to try to allow the alcohol to evaporate because I didn't want drunken critters and it still smelled strongly a few days later. :darlenedance::runcirclsmiley2::hapydancsmil::imoksmiley:

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