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Entering the Middle Years of Life, My Son


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I want to see if I can post a video from Crossfit Koneohe where my son was in a weight video . He is 34, recovered entirely with good fitness mix called cross training , running in those crazy mud races, running with youth church track teams/cross country style ..... ok first attempt did not w

He is doing what I think is called snatch and grab technique, lifting 195 lb barbells at the gym


It just took persistence to get where he is.




He does look quite Amish, lol , with his beard , except he has some amazing tattoo work covering his arms. They portray classic battles from History and are very fine close up. ( To remember his History education from the United States Naval Academy. )


I could not manage to post actual video from the formats , or do it any other way. Even the download I did of video was not in usual format so that goofed up what I hoped to do here.......


So, I will just say he is an encouragement to me to keep working on my own physical recovery and general health.

Edited by sassenach
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