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EVERYWHERE YOU GO! I know, I know! I can't believe it, either! I'm almost a month behind on my Christmas anouncement and there's so much to do!


Would you believe...

There are only OKAY!


Write on your calendar what you would like to buy or make and by what date. Be realistic. You can't complete 5 different 3 month long projects in 3 1/2 months. Don't set yourself up for falure.


With a little foresight, you can have a calm, wonderful Holiday season. Remember, the Holidays are not about how much you spend. They are about how well you love.


Next time, we'll talk about Holiday meal planning.




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Alright, alright! I know this is a bit overwhelming, but it's something we all have to face. The Holidays are coming, all too soon.


For all of you who peeked in here and then ran screaming, COME BACK! It's okay, really! We can do this! It'll be fine! (next time, let me know you were here!)


Here are a couple of links to help you with ideas and organization;


Christmas Ideas


Christmas Superstore


Holiday Grand Plan


Take a look. There may be something to help you get started...




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Those are kewl links. When I first read your post, my first thought was *yep, she's right, I need to get organized now*...


Thanks for bringing this up and reminding me...I get tired of that last minute rush at the end.



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OHMYGOSH!!!! *snort*... I... *gasp* can't...*choke*...breathe!

Homey, are you trying to KILL me? That is too funny!!!


I have so missed the "misadventures of Darlene and Homey"! I hope this is just the beginning!


Thanks, Homey! You're good.


Okay, D! What say you in response!?!?!?!




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Well I have bought things for the grandbabies and have them put away.... also bought some patterns to make "specialized " barbie doll clothes for the girls barbie dolls! I love making barbie doll clothes and playing dress up with the dolls myself.


Ive started the ornaments for the ornament exchange here and should have them done by the end of the week for mailing when we get the list and I'm already in the Christmas spirit! woohooo I LUVS christmas!

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The rest of the story .......


Being the resourceful homesteader that I am, I had Darlene’s kids help me salvage what was left of the mangled Christmas tree in the road. Although there was only enough tree left to make a tabletop decoration, we were able to be creative with the remainder of the amputated branches. We made bough wraps for her elegant staircase (they were breathtaking) and various size wreaths for her numerous entrance doors (the envy of the neighborhood, the kids said later).

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I didn't think she'd ever share this story, cause in reality, it's a reflection on her...I had promised her that I'd never tell the truth, but *sigh* I feel a responsibility to the ladies here at MrsS that they know the WHOLE truth and nothing but the truth...*heavy sigh*


What REALLY happened was that morning, homey bounded outta bed bouncing around like a mexican jumping bean...I was cooking breakfast and she came up to me in her tweety bird slippers jumping up and down, her boobs struggling under the stress of the half jumping jacks, her eyes wide open, like a wide eyed deer standing in the middle of the road at night as a car approaches, spit flying outta her mouth as she talked a mile a minute, consumed with excitement.


I turned the stove off, leaving the food half cooked, feeling the need to devote all my time to my friend homey. At first I couldn't understand what she was asking for, all she kept saying was "can we, can we, can we?" Finally, in an effort to calm her down, I replied, "CAN WE WHAT?"


My friend homey started jumping up and down again, utter glee flooding her eyes, when she finally calmed down enough to make any sense, it became glaringly apparent what she wanted. My poor little old sheltered friend homey wanted to experience the atmosphere of Christmas in the tropics. Who was *I* to deny her that pleasure? *sigh*


I went and got dressed and put on heels *like I always do* and headed out into the hustle and bustle of the holiday season...I went to the place where I buy trees every year and picked out the most SPECTACULAR tree I've ever seen in my life...the gentlemen tied it to the top of my SUV and off I went driving back home, intent on making my friend happy...


I pulled into the driveway and homey comes bursting out the front door, still jumping up and down like a child...the children kinda looked sideways at her while they rolled their eyes at their mama. They had come to understand over time, the, oh how shall we say, *special characteristics* that homey possesses.


All of a sudden homey stopped dead in her tracks, puzzlement filling her face. I said to my friend, HOMEY! what's the matter hon? She skewed her face up *she usually does that when she tries to think* and all of a sudden it was like a lightbulb went off in her head...


She screamed, "I GOT IT!"...the children looked at me with huge questions in their eyes and I walked over to my friend and put my hand on her shoulder and said, "homey, my friend...you have WHAT?"


She bolted back into the house...we could see her through the windows slipping and sliding as she raced around corners, bent on this mission of hers. We politely and calmly waiting for her to reappear, and what to our wonderous eyes should appear? Homey with a chain saw in hand...


YIKES! The children ran, knowing it was safer inside and I very calmly said to my friend, "homey, we don't need a chain saw hon...they already cut the lower branches off and trimmed the bottom so that the tree would fit into the stand quite nicely hon..."


Homey pushed her chest out with pride *and it's quite a large chest* and said quite emphatically to me, "NOT to worry, I know what I'm doing...trust me, I'll take care of your tree..."


A fear filled my heart, but I realized at that moment that the tree wasn't important, what WAS important was that my friend homey feel needed, so I agreed to let her have her way with our Christmas tree...


Homey picked up the chainsaw again, ripped the start cord and the sounds of the chainsaw filled the air...I took a moment to wonder what happened to the sounds of Christmas music and stood in shock as homey placed her right foot on the middle of the tree, grabbing branches and sawing them off the tree...branches started flying everywhere and I said to my friend, "homey? are you sure we need to cut so much?" She replied, "trust me darlene, I know what I'm doing.."


I watched in utter horror as my 8' tree very quickly was downsized to 2' and all of a sudden homey stood up, her face filled with sadness as she realized what she had done...a little tear started to trickle down the side of her face and my heart was suddenly filled with compassion...I went over and once again placed my hand on her shoulder saying, "it's ok homey, we can get another one..." She started sobbing then, much to my consternation and started babbling something about how she had just gone outta control, the lure of the chainsaw spurring her on.


In an effort to salve the hurt in her heart, I picked up my once beautiful Christmas tree that had been reduced to a trinket and carried it inside. I told my friend homey, "not to worry chica, we'll make due with what we got..."


I called the children in who were aghast at our minature Christmas tree, telling them to shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and that my friends feelings were more important this year. The children quickly caught on and helped me make it a most memorable Christmas for our friend homey...


As for the telephone call to the police? Welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll...that is because the neighbors could see the state that she was in and had called the little men in the white coats...It took me a while, but I finally convinced the police that she was harmless.


shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...Please don't tell her I told you all this...it's very important to me that she believe the illusions in her mind. What kinda friend would I be if I spilled ALL her secrets?




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Not exactly speechless , Cat. I'm trying to map out all the roads Babe tried to take us down. It reminded me of the time she tripped over her dog in the kitchen, and the spaghetti splattered EVERYWHERE when it hit the tile floor.

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