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I Love Living on the Farm......

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There's always something different to see here in the middle of nowehre and I love what our view is now. Looking out our east window there is a Canada goose sitting on top a big bale of corn husks. She's on a nest of 6 eggs and why she chose that place I have no idea. The other picture is looking to the west where the water and pasture are so who knows why she chose this place. Is she aware of flooding coming....surely not!


Anyway, if you'd like to see it here's the webcam address again. Let me know what you think and what you see out your windows. All except Debbielee, we know she gets to see naked men!


BTW, it doesn't refresh itself so you'll have to clidk refresh at the top of the page. Of course, with her sitting on the nest she doesn't move a whole lot!


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isn't that something to see thanks for sharing.


out our east window I see a feild, pine tree's and hardwoods with a tint of cloloring from the buds. from our west window the same but clothes dring on the line as will.


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Guest Guest

We're in the country too Dee (we're south of you) and I know exactly what you're saying. There's beauty everywhere you look, every season of the year.


We particularly enjoy the deer.



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What a great view! It reminded me of some places out in the countryside here. You must have gotten a peek to know there are six eggs in the nest.

I live in town. Our house faces north and we look at houses across the street. Our back yards are pretty private - the lots of the houses behind us are dropped about 4 or 5 feet below ours so we have a fence. When we first moved here it was a lot of alders. After they built it felt like we were "on stage" every time we went in the back yard. Also voices and sounds carry oddly because of the way the houses are.

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Hahhahaaaaaa DEE......whatcha mean you don't want to know what i'm seeing out my window......hahahaaaa'

Speakin of naked man......the hunk that looks like a pregnant Mr.Magoo.....i think it's either been too cold or he may have MOVED.....cuz i have'nt seen him for months!

Oh what will i do without being able to watch him out my window? Hahahhaaaaaaa


HEY DEE......i finally am able to see pictures from your web cam!!! Yaaaaaaay!

Right now i see 2 pictures.....the one on the left .. looks like 3 birdies....one smaller goose.....and 2 white big birds..and one of the white birds looks like it's wearing a hat......they like swans to me....hahaha.......or pelicans......can ya tell i'm a city gal??


In the picture on the right.....i can't make it out....looks like a tank in your pasture!!


What fun.....and love all the pictures on your WELCOME page!

Great site!



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Oh NOOOOOOOOOOOOW i see what the picture on the right is....it's mamma goosie on the hay/husk thing....cool! It was earlier in the day before.....and it was still darkish i guess.........the picture on the left has'nt changed.....hurry and look so you can tell me if there are 2 white birds and the goose......ga head...hahaa

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Noooooooo kiddin.........those white things were geese? And that lil one was a DUCK? Hahahhhahahhaaaaa Well Whatdoyaknow......hahaaaa

Guess i COULD use a lesson on wildlife....i'd be thar if'n i could Dee daaaaaaalin!

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