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Broaching the Issue of Preparedness with Family

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I usually refer to my pantry as my insurance policy against hard times or emergency. It is hard to know that you friends and loved ones care so little about their families that thay would not insure their future.

All I can do is pray for them.

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Welcome Dear One..


I had a "prep talk" with my dear son before Y2K. He seemed to think it was a good idea. He also grew up with me and I'm the kind of person who never has an empty pantry. Months later when I was visiting I got to see his emergency preps. He had a few bottles of water, a good flashlight and 50 pounds of rice. That was it. It was then that I realized he hadn't really got what I was talking about..and he never will. He has a wait till I have to mentality in his whole life. Why would he change for this one area? Alot of people are so used to running to the store and having everything available that it never occurs to them. They never think they might have problems getting to the store. They also never think the store could have empty shelves. He never plans ahead and takes each day as it comes. So your family is not alone in being unprepared. Pestering them probably won't work. I guess all you can do is try to be as prepared as you can be and try to have a little extra for your loved ones if you can manage it.

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Dear One, you are a dear one! Your family is blessed to have you. Keep chipping away and they'll come to see the value of preparedness. Hardship comes in many ways and none of us are exempt from needing to fall back on a pantry of plenty to get throught the tough times.


((((Dear One)))))


Glad to have you here!

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welcome Dearone...


we are lucky about our child she has been one that to keep a wello stock pantry as well as other stuff. when she got married she was asked what she wanted for wedding gifts she told everyone flour, sugar, canned goods etc...


now as far as the rest of our families well that is the same as yours. Nothing we can do about it, put to pray for them and maybe if you can but a little extra up.

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That last post was very uplifting to me. My financial life is in such a state right now I feel sorry for myself. My home isn't a mansion but it's far from a shack. I can live with the little raindrops that fall every now and then on my carpet! My kids aren't perfect here at home but they make me proud in public (lol). Back talking I can handle. At least they are here and not into drugs. My husband isn't perfect, we fight just like everyone else. He's still commited to only me after 18 years. I still get excited when I hear his car pull down the driveway every night. My mom may be gone from my earthly life, but I thank God for the 29 years that he gave her to me. So DearOne thank you for your post and helping me put things into perspective. And to the rest of my new friends here at MrsSurvival keep posting! You help make my days brighter!

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i understand whole heartly about being in a finincal stress. and feeling sorry for ones self. but i am also very blessed too. and love Mrs. S cause here i get idea's how to make what few $$'s we get go a long way. And what would be the best to first for when ever what ever happens.


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With all this rain, my husband has not been able to work, for the past two weeks. Thank goodness for all of our preparations, we never had to worry about food, we ate very comfortably, and lived very comfortably, we were able to pay up all of the months bills, so we did not have to worry about those, thanks to having put back emergency cash, never had to touch the credit card....If I hadn't of been prepared, We would have been in a mess.....

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