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Soggy Friday

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Mornin' ya'll! It's still raining and windy this morning. We have massive puddles in the yard. Public schools are canceled for today due to dangers of flooding. The surrounding counties are also out.


I don't know what kind of damage, if any, has occurred around here. Obviously, our electricity is still on! (I'm the afternoon/evening receptionist.)


Every one take care today!





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Good morning!


Here in NW TN the sun is out and it's a beautiful morning. My DH and DD have gone to Nashville today so I'm hoping the weather there isn't too bad. Ivan stayed just east of us, although we did have some winds out of it yesterday and last night. I hope all are safe in the path of this storm.


Have a great day all!

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Ok, folks I am now floating back to the top, we recieved a 9.7 inches of rain from Dear Ivan, and we had wind gusts of 50 mph, power was out overnight, and 90 streets were closed,still waiting for rivers and creeks to crest. Thank goodness all schools were closed. Now, lets be on the lookout for Jeanne. I don't know what the heck charley did to frances, but it sure has made Ivan and Jeanne mad at them, I just hope they take their fury out on someone else, leave the south alone for a while...

The sun has finally come out and allowing things to dry up some. We made it through alright, several big limbs down in the yard and my green beans got washed away, but other than that, we are fine. Thanks for everyone who pm'd me inquiring about how we were doing...... SE Tennessee

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Thanks for asking Snowy. We are fine. We didn't get as much wind/rain as predicted. Some tree limbs down and local flooding. We lost power twice for about 2 hours each time.


I need to get back on my genealogy. It has been a few months since I have even looked at it. I guess I get burnout periodically.


Take care all! Watch out for the rain up north. My Aunt in Pittsbugh called a bit ago and said they are even getting heavy rain from Ivan.

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