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Cloudy Sunday

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We had our fall festival at school last night, wasn't too much cleaning up to do, seeing everyone kept their own booths clean and then really started taking everything and putting it up as they got through with it, But it did get pretty windy and chilly out. We had a local church donate booths for the festival, the local fire department participated and had hay rides and the moonwalk balloon, and plenty of food and prizes, Lee College here in Cleveland require their students to do community service, so many hours every year, so as part of their community service several of the college students volunteered to help with the festival, they ran the booths for us. Thought that was really great, we had a really good turn out. I am proud for such a small country school. But next year we are going to plan it for earlier in October and not on the night that Tennessee plays Alabama,,,,


MIL and SFIL came by for breakfast this morning on their way to church. So I am now cleaning up dishes and getting dinner started and doing the everblasted

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I'm here late again.

We had a beautiful day with only a bit of rain at one point. Just what I hoped for since it's my 58th birthday. DH asked what I wanted to do and my request was good weather so we could go for a walk (3 hours out at the state park seeing many wonderful things) and a Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte. I'm avoiding food/drinks like that to lower my cholesterol and my goal is to be as healthy as I can be.

I was out of town yesterday and got to have lunch with Mom and DS#2 - today was DH & DS#1.

Welcome Quilty.

Good to see you back Snowmom.

Unikemom: Was the harvest like the school carnivals I remember? Parents volunteered to man booths of games like balloon darts or throw a ring over the pop bottle and the kids would win a prize. I helped with that one year and one thing all the volunteers loved to do was be sure the kids got a prize.

Theyd: I hope it was a good day for you.


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I thought I'd NEVER get in here to post! I've raced through a few times. Glad you had a good time in Iowa. photosmilie.gif



Ya gotta get to know quiltys41, Snow... see how eager she is to share? (Wonder if she'd like me to send some snow come December...) snow.gif Whatta Sweetie!!!



unikemom, sounds like the fun fair was fun. clown.gif We had those when I was a kid, and I remember how exciting it was. Our church is having a "fall carnival" Wednesday night. partytime.gif



Feelin' better, theyd??? I hope so! loveya.gif



Sorry I got your party started late tonight, peacefulhome. (Notice I added "healthy" virtual foods to your party... LOL) birthday.gif



I've been sleepy & groggy from sinus meds. Even got a nice nap in after church. sleep.gif


Just a couple things to finish & I'm off to bed... yaya.gif

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I am feeling better .. thank you


today we had sunshine ...


took dh to dr and all testing came back good.


we had some very sad news ... a very young couple that lives just a mile from us lost one of their twin babies, it was only six weeks old. So was there last night to try and give support. the mother is only 17 years old, so much for a young child.

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