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morning all it is only 30 here. good to see you post snowmom. sounds like you are a busy lady.

i plan on doing some deep down reorangizing today.

i have been doing our family history too. i got about 600 more name to get enter then i can start doing some reseach.

everyone have a blessed day.

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Well, it's late, but we had a snow day so I didn't get much time on the puter. 5 days in a row with DH home is almost too much LOL.


We had to postpone youngest DD's dentist appt. With the weather the way it is, I don't want to get stuck and not able to get home.


We didn't officially have a snow day. The school here is desperate for their state funds, which they don't get if they close the school. So they'd rather endanger the children (60% bus, either to the mountains or down the highway in the wind) than give up that money. So we have to make our own decisions. We were forecast to get 4-8 more inches today during the day so we kept them home.


It never got above freezing today...very brrr LOL.


So I didn't get as much done as I wanted, but still productive...several loads of dishes and 4 loads of laundry. I'm about to go cuddle up with a blanket and DH and enjoy the rest of the football game. Just had to come say Hi!

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