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Good Wednesday mornin'!


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Momma glad things went well for your family yesterday.. Hope everyone is staying dry and safe today. Wow if it were truly January weather instead of all this stinking rain we would be having a blizzard.. Incredible...

DS is home with an earache.. Whine whine whine.... My withcy 14 year old dd has a major attitude.. There are days where I could just smack her across the face and think nothing of it.. The other day she told me I make her sick.. Today she told me to just leave her alone.. She thinks it's unfair that she doesn't get to do what she wants to do when she wants to do it. I was thinking of putting her on a complete lock down until she's out of high school.. I have never pushed my kids because of fear that they would run away.. My kids have been spoiled with a good home life.. We don't drink , we don't beat on each other, their dad and I love each other.. She just thinks because she does more than the other kids she should have more privliges(sp).. And in a sense that's true.. But those should still have limits.. After 5 years of going to church every Sunday we have stopped.. We haven't been commited to a church in over 6 months.. But I can honestly say that she was starting this before we left church.. She's not a bad kid.. Which is the sad part. She will usually do what I ask her to do.. But she's hanging with the wrong crowd. And has the wrong boyfriend.. Well I guess I should have put this in Where the Heart is.. Sorry to drag on so.. There are so many things going on in my life right now, that I can't even discuss here. The kids are just the tip of the ice berg.. The other 3 situations don't involve dh and I directly but we are involved.. Mainly because we don't know how to say no.. Ok I will go now. Thanks for listening, or reading or whatever..


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Good morning everybody, Ihope all of you who are in the bad icing areas are doing ok, please be careful and stay in...


Buttercup, don't worry about your venting, that's why your friends are here. We all vent,and it does help us all. I know the past several days, that If I hadn't have vented I would probably have exploded by now..It is not so much that I am mad because of our situation, I mean dh is working hard to support us, if there is no work, there is nothing you can do. It is I am more scared than anything,of what will happen to me and the kids....

Always remember if ya need to vent that is what your friends are for.

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Buttercup, we're in the same boat.


First, rain, lots of it. If it keeps on we

might have to build an ark!


Second, girls. I was going to say it was her

age, but my 9 year old is acting that way.

My 14 daughter has the problem with "I hate

living in the country!" My 9 year old is

very spoiled. I think it's because we love

them too much.


This week I'm on the hot seat for prepping.

Getting my books out and making (trying)to

make a plan to store more food.


While I was looking through my bookshelves

guess what I found....Carla Emery's Encyclopedia

of Country Living!!!! I didn't know I had it.

I apperently bought it and then it got shelved

in the wrong section, it was with gardening books!

My husband does the gardening so I hardly ever look

there. That is a good book. I always wondered why

you guys were always saying good things about it.


I need to go and get more research done, and laundry!

I hope everyone has a good day. TTFN.



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reading all your post about promblems with the kids made me grin. ( sorry) and thankful my days are past that. I raised a daughter and boy do i remember those days. from the time she was nine till.... all i can say about it is stand firm; hold on, love them, but stand your ground. and as they grow and leave it will be all worth it. my daughter and i are close; and now we laugh about those days. and now she has three daughters (hehehehe)

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