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Everything posted by redhenfarm

  1. Good morning. I'm back to work this morning after a four day weekend. It's not painful knowing I'm on the countdown. It's supposed to be 57 here today, but the rain has come in this week. I know what you mean about the family gatherings. We don't have many since Mom moved to a retirement apartment. So when we go to visit it's usually a four hour round trip drive and then whatever time we spend visiting with her. Remember the last time I went to my sister's (December) and met her new dog who you can't look at or touch and it sits nearby glaring at you growling and snarling? She has all these toys like a wand thing that has batteries that whirls around -so when Mom goes there she has to hold that so the dog won't bother her. I'll tell you it makes me chuckle it's so crazy that the little dog runs the house. Dee: Hope your transition back to work goes well for you. It is fun working with little children. Snowmom: Yes, we have the flat surface problem, too.
  2. I forgot to say how much I enjoy those Easter bunnies at the top of the page. Someone takes good care of us. And that makes me think about chocolate Easter bunnies. Even with grown kids we do something traditionally Easter. I got a bag of Jelly Belly's and put them on the dinner table in a covered pink bunny dish, but no chocolate Easter bunnies this year. What are things coming to. Could that be why I lost .8 lb.s last week? Are they on sale this week? Did you do chocolate bunnies or jelly beans or something else?
  3. Good morning . Also some Aracauna eggs I blew out last year, two sand dollars. Two empty valentine candy boxes (but they're cute! I can't throw them out. Should have sent them to Snowmom!)That's what I'll do!
  4. Well, the Easter bunny didn't come here and I haven't seen the tooth fairy in a long time but what do you mean there's no Santa Claus?!
  5. Happy Easter everyone, I am almost embarrassed to say this It's 59 degrees right now and promising to be a beautiful day as yesterday was (low 70s). This is unseasonably warm for us and we're enjoying every minute. I've had the patio door open since I got up and unfortunately a few flies have joined us. DH and I had our first cup of coffee on the patio and we could hear our newish neighbor behind us in the kitchen saying to her little ones "You have about two minutes to eat that before we go! You've been chewing that piece for the last 40 minutes, now finish up". Gave us a chuckle and memories of those days. Sounded like she was trying to get a healthy meal into the kids before Easter candy time. My batch of tulips at the side of the carport all opened up this morning-all colors. Have a great day everyone.
  6. Welcome, Kim: Glad you have joined us. I'm bringing a big bowl of California strawberries.
  7. Good afternoon. We are having beautiful weather. It's 73 right now. While we were out and about DH and I ran across two public Easter egg hunts. So fun to watch the kids out there so hopeful and lots of memories of our children doing that. Since we found out both of our sons will be here for dinner today had to pick up some extras for the dinner. I came home and took a good nap. Okay, folks. Fourteen more work days. I'm on the countdown. At this point I don't plan on looking for other work, but who knows. After finishing with this nightmare job I'm glad for a breather.
  8. I'm glad to join in. Any of that shortcake left? We're on the same mode - working on how our budget will be after my final paycheck at the end of this month. We decided we've always made it through and we'll do it again. Sun isn't down here yet. It's been a lovely, warm day. I pulled some weeds by the front walk and it felt so good. We also have lots to do outside. It's better than when we moved back almost five years ago. Little by little it's less overwhelming. Just got great news! Our youngest son is coming down this weekend after all. His plans with his group of so-called friends fell through but he has a whole cheering committee waiting here for him tomorrow including oldest son and his wife who are including him in their bike riding at the beach time. Life is good.
  9. redhenfarm


    I know what the music sounds like (the student who worked with me on Thursday went into the copy room and turned a staff member's radio onto a hip-hop station. I kept wondering what in the world Nadine had on her radio and later she came down to my office and said she thought I had my radio on awfully loud only to find out it was hers!) So I'm wondering how you dance to that?
  10. Good morning everyone and happy Friday I am surprised I am up so early (holiday) because I was up in the night reading alot but it wasn't from stress, just wakeful because I went to bed realllly early and I'm reading a good book. I feel much better but still have some congestion and a cough so I'm not going clam digging (Becca's clams?) with DH and son this morning, but soon I can anytime they go. I pulled down a box of Easter things from the cupboard. Snowmom: I am so glad you have two of your grandsons again this weekend and they'll have a nice Easter and so will you. Stargazer: It's hard when one of your kids is going through hard times at school. I agree with the consensus-check it out.
  11. Hello everyone. Well, it was a big day for me. I turned in my resignation and my last day will be April 30. This is such a tremendous relief to me I can't begin to describe it. I feel better than I have in the two years I've worked there. I will actually be able to relax and enjoy this holiday weekend. I'm off tomorrow and Monday also. A coworker brought in her adorable pup that she got over Christmas break. It's part chihuahua and part dacshund. Just so sweet! I barely slept last night so I'm looking forward to crashing early tonight.
  12. I'm really late on the sun porch but by golly it's still Becca's birthday and there's some cake left! Come on Becca-have another piece with me. Happy Birthday!
  13. I'm still getting over this virus. Went to work but came home early both yesterday and today, dosed up on cold meds and went to sleep. I'm at the point where I'm really tired of being sick. Every day does feel better, though. I may go in early to do some data entry that needs to be done before 8 AM.
  14. What a great view! It reminded me of some places out in the countryside here. You must have gotten a peek to know there are six eggs in the nest. I live in town. Our house faces north and we look at houses across the street. Our back yards are pretty private - the lots of the houses behind us are dropped about 4 or 5 feet below ours so we have a fence. When we first moved here it was a lot of alders. After they built it felt like we were "on stage" every time we went in the back yard. Also voices and sounds carry oddly because of the way the houses are.
  15. redhenfarm

    a simple job HA!!

    Hurray for working plumbing. DH has done a lot of our repairs to save $$ and I remember well the time he was replacing one toilet and said he needed to check how the other one was set in place so he pulled that one up, too, and it was a great relief when he was able to get one back in. I remember he set one down on his big toe. It seems like every project we've done on the house is never what you think - there's always some little surprise.
  16. I've been doing a lot of sleeping. Youngest son came down to visit and stayed with DS#1 Friday night and then they all went to the beach and he got in here last night. He just left for home again.
  17. Good morning Oh, the sun is out and it's going to be a nice weekend. Only 44 now but will be up to mid 60s which is warm for here. I've got this darned cold, sore throat and swollen glands so I'm taking care of that so I can go back to that dreaded job on Monday. They cut a position from our department that was 12 hours a week and the fall out seems to be the nurses think they are doing some of my work. It's really hard to try to do my job and be so resented. My load increased too but there's one of me and five of them. Only three have the "attitude". DH went to a men's breakfast so I made a breakfast casserole (eggs,cheese, milk, bread cubes,sausauge, etc. that you refrigerate overnight and then bake), cranberry orange muffins (out of a box) and OJ. He cut up some cantaloupe and gave me a piece and it was really good. I wonder where it came from that it was so good this early? Snowmom: What a nice trip for you yesterday and then to have those little guys with you for a couple of days. What a treat for you and for them. I hope everyone is enjoying their Saturday.
  18. and called it Grand Clam Ham Slam
  19. I was heard to say last week when you're around a lot of sick kids your immune system kicks up eventually and you don't get sick. So why did I get this cold? My throat is sore and the glands in my neck are a bit swollen. And it's going to be a beautiful weekend with sunshine so I want to be well now. I'm headed for the echinacea with goldenseal and lots of fluids. What do you do?
  20. We heard a knock on the door and DH says "The mailman (we have a new one again) always rings so it must be someone else" but it was the mailman with a package for me!
  21. It's late afternoon here and a beautiful, sunny day. 67 degrees right now which is just very comfortable. Sorry to say I have a cold. We are not supposed to work over 40 hours (should they have to pay overtime!) so I left work at 1:30 today and was really glad of it. It would be more fun if I didn't have the cold. Our across the street neighbors are having a sale of picture frames. Didn't quite get why they got so many. We went over to talk a bit. And yes, I did take a nap when I got home.
  22. Good morning. Every morning first thing (at work) I make an appointment schedule for the next day that I send to every department so they know what to expect (I am secretary in the clinic and the schedule goes to places like the classrooms). I thought about sending a phoney one yesterday with really goofy names of fictitious students - but I resisted the urge. Too busy and it might not be appreciated. DH told me this morning it was cold and snowing in the mountain range. I said I knew it was cold because of frost on the roofs and then he said April Fools. Got some things straightened out yesterday in a meeting about how we'll distribute the work load from the woman who was let go (she was a casual employee at 12 hours a week). It's a relief but still not a pretty picture. We are supposed to have good weather for the weekend and I'm really looking forward to it.
  23. Yesterday when I was home for lunch I heard a scratching sound that I thought was under the house but when I looked out on the patio our cat was out there scratching on the patio table (wooden) so I thought it must have somehow been her. Last night we had just gone to bed when we heard it again and this time both cats were in. Loud scratching right under the bathroom where a heater vent comes up and also there is a small vent from under the house to the patio that is screened over. Definitely somebody under the house. A couple of days ago DH saw the piece of wood that blocks the entry to under the house slightly open and he shut it so last night he had to go out in the dark with a flashlight to open it so whoever was under there could leave. I'm thinking it was a raccoon. Beautiful sunrise this morning. This is my busiest day.
  24. Good morning everyone, Lois: What a horrible thing to happen to your nephew. I hope the ones who did that get to pay the consequences. Also hope he heals okay. Dee: I remember Memphis and the other one and also Poor Side of Town (doop doobie wah doobie doobie). Snowmom: It's amazing how the phone calls can go on. Yes, chat was fun. It's cloudy here today and 46 right now. We'll get up to 52 maybe. My boss is back from vacation so things change. I had forgotten how much she sounds off and just vents to me about things and, of course, I have to listen. It's one of the reasons I can't take a break at my desk - you literally have to get out or people don't know you're on a break and then there's no break room.
  25. Good morning all. I got an early start today (5 AM) mainly because I slept a lot yesterday. Yesterday in church, although it was an excellent sermon, I could barely keep my eyes open and when we'd pray I felt like I was going to nod off. We left right after the service and I was rummaging in my purse for a glucose tablet and didn't have any. So when I got home I had a few pieces of candy and then lunch. I didn't take a glucose test but I'm sure it was low glucose because it's what happened before. After lunch then I was so tired I slept for a couple of hours. So all that to say no beach walk. Late afternoon I revived and made a nice dinner for us-pork loin roast, gold yukon potatoes which I cooked too long so I mashed them, pea/rice&curry salad then sugar free vanilla pudding with cool whip swirled in and sliced strawberries and splenda on top. It' is 58 right now and supposed to be 67 and sunny. Time for me to dash to get ready for work. Five days as usual this week and then next week only four because we have Good Friday off and I took the following Monday also. Hurray! Momo: That must be miserable for DH with sinus problem. Diinmi (did I spell that right?): I hope it works out for you to paint the dock. Is that an all day job? Snowmom: Pets do have a way of getting their way. We had a cat who died last year who considered herself our boss and every once in awhile she thought she had to wake us up at 6 on a Saturday like we were forgetting to get up. Usually she knew somehow not to do that. As bossy as she was I miss her. It must be hard to be down to one auto. We had one for many years but when you get used to two.... I'm wondering if we will go back to one when I retire. Time to dash.
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