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Everything posted by redhenfarm

  1. We have three Earthboxes (planters) ready and tonight I bought Mild Mesculan Blend Salad Greens, Cucumbers, Bush beans, Carrots, Snapdragons and Echinacea.We'll use tomato plants. We're going to build another raised bed garden. But first we need to put up the deer fence. I want to start a compost pile even though DH has had a couple of messes with trying them. We will have more time to mess with it now.
  2. Good morning! We are having a sunny weekend and I'm finally on the road to recovery. Last night I didn't have to get up to take cold meds for the first time in a long time but had to get up because my mouth was dry as a bone. Life looks good! . Snow: I don't know how Old Pine can work on so little sleep. One of our best employers in this area (a mill) is like that. I have friends whose husbands work out there and they can have a scheduled day off but if they get called in they have to go. Really hard to plan anything as a family on a schedule like that. Dee: Hope you have a fun day. We won't start planting until May when I'm off and we can work together. DH and I make a good team. Lois: Car problems are the pits. Hope it all comes together in the least inexpensive way.
  3. Lois, I've seen salmon chowder on the menu around here- not sure if it was canned or fresh. We have so much fresh fish here. The way I remember it was a milk base with a bit of potato and onion with bits of salmon. I would like this better than clam chowder.
  4. Nana, That is amazing! No that wasn't us. If you saw me walking around you would see a bright red nose with a kleenex in front of it at all times, snuffling along but determined to see all the pottery. We were there at about 5 to 6. Wouldn't ya know we had the opportunity to eat lunch and dinner out and I couldn't taste a thing because of this dratted cold. I actually saw a piece of pottery by Mark Heiman titled Peaceful Home and I was telling my son that was my name. Another funny thing is Mom called me this morning (I didn't tell her I was in the area because I wouldn't take the chance she'd get this cold) and she was telling me a friend's neice took her to Bob's Red Mill yesterday and all about it and she said I'd love it. So that's another day.
  5. Oh, that's too bad. It looks like a cold day there today.
  6. That's my last day of work but I think I'll have DH tape it. Reliving a trauma has to be stressful but you never know what the media will do with it.
  7. It's raining here today. Too bad because we're going to Portland to see the Oregon Ceramic Showcase. It's a huge group of potters (I can see Cat now wondering about such big potters. lol) who display their stuff. It's amazing the variety. Not just bowls, plates and mugs but on to fountains, wall hangings and in such a variety it is great fun. This has been the last several years at the Oregon Convention Center and admission is free - however, if you have to park in their structure that's pricey. You can park elsewhere and take the light rail just across the street from the convention center. Did I say I was looking forward to this? I'm still struggling with this dratted cold. I was up in the night taking medicine and waiting for it to take effect so I could sleep so I slept in this morning to an unheard of 9:00 (for me). Have a great day folks!
  8. Cat, you make me chuckle. Well, she wasn't wearing a wig and where did that saying come from anyway? Well, one tiny part of my job has been to inspect our building for safety every month. Then the safety officer also inspects it (to see if we all tell the truth?) and then there are the "others" who come to inspect. I don't even know what group this lady was with. All I know is she was in our department for 2-1/2 hours. She was going to the dining hall (where my oldest son works) when she got done there so I'm sure he will have stories to tell when he gets home.
  9. Good afternoon everyone, We started out with fog but that has burned off to a beautiful sunny day. I'm home for lunch. With gas prices going up I'm glad I only have a week to go. I've found getting out of there for lunch is the only way to stay sane. There are no break areas and when I tried to eat at my desk I was constantly bombarded. Ah, five and a half days to go!
  10. Last year we were at the Farmer's Market buying shiitakes and asked the guy where he got them. He pointed up the hill and said "See that tree way up there?" We looked where he pointed and said "Yes" and he said "Well, I didn't get them there." It's true they won't tell their places unless they're looking for a mushroom hunting buddy. A colander on your head, eh? I bet the kids loved it. Do you suppose if I wore one to work tomorrow they'd decide to let me quit sooner?
  11. redhenfarm


    Jenna, I hope all went well for you today and you were able to read the supportive messages here before you went. I also am very thankful to a woman who was unable to take care of me and gave me to my Mom and Dad. Even all those many years ago there were other options and I'm glad she chose to give me life.
  12. On the countdown. Eight work days to go. It's pouring down rain here and darkish this morning. Snowmom: What a nice trip you and Old Pine took. Looks like a happy wedding couple. Off to get ready for the day.
  13. We thought we would have to remove the lilac planted near our bedroom window. It was growing out from under the eaves of the house to get light and it's about 10' tall. After researching we realized we could prune it into shape. Sure enough new growth is coming. We'll prune a little more this year and the last third perhaps next year. It's hard to climb a ladder to get the flowers so we'll be glad when it shapes up. We also had to severely prune a rhododendron that was planted by our washing machine drain. The drain was damaged (probably from the rhody) so we dug it up and couldn't stand not giving it a chance so replanted it. This is the fourth year and it's coming back and looking good. We'll have good blooms this year. That gave us the courage to try to "save" yet another rhody planted in a bad place. It's leafing out nicely (looked like a haunted tree the first year). I hope some day to see those pretty pink blossoms again.
  14. Oh, this is why borage oil seems to be helping my husband's excema. Good information, Lois.
  15. It's rainy here today and 52 degrees right now. I'm just home for lunch. Got my "resignation" package at work today. I have to turn in time cards and schedule an "exit interview". People keep asking me what I'm going to say. I think the truth is okay but I don't think they want to hear it. Talk about spin doctors. So at this moment I've got 8 - 1/2 days to go. Cat: I've never had morels. I don't have a mushroom wizard here like I did in Portland. We used to get chanterelles, shaggy mains, something my friend called Prince which were wonderful, and shiitakes. Wonderful. Lois: Glad your computer problem was solved easily.
  16. It's overcast here again with possible big drippy raindrops, but if it's like yesterday there are clearings also. When you live in a place like this you watch for blue skies and sun and enjoy it while it's here. The birds love this weather, though. Anyone else have golden crowned sparrows? They have this mournful little song that they really kick up about this time of year. When I first realized what kind of bird it was (looked it up in a bird book) they sang on so constantly I thought some neighbor kid had learned to whistle and was whistling the same tune on and on (you know how kids will do). Yesterday I got a menu from our local herb shop that recently began serving tea. They are serving pastries also. There are white teas and red teas and herbals and another category I'd never heard of. I'm looking forward to trying different teas. Hope everyone is having a great Sunday.
  17. It's a beautiful morning here and the sun is out. We woke up at 7:30 to the sound of robins. We had a late dinner with the kids last night and our youngest son is here for the weekend. I'm having my coffee and thinking about breakfast.
  18. Forgot to say, Ginger, I'm in the same boat as you. When I was diagnosed hypothyroid I was seeing a naturopath so when he heard my MD prescribed Synthroid he gave me Westhroid instead which is natural like Armour. I now live 100 miles from there and have had three MDs since I moved here. The first was okay with the Westhroid but the next two aren't. I also don't like the politics of prescription meds. I'm giving Synthroid until I run out of the 3 month supply (I will be done with my crummy job by then, too) so I should know if it's helping or not. If it isn't I'm heading back up to see the ND. It's very hard because the MD's don't want to do blood tests for T3 as well as T4. I have better things to do than grapple with a doctor who won't listen.
  19. I just ordered some, too. I debated about the gallon but got a smaller size to make sure it agrees with me. I liked the sound of it's versatility also. DH developed a dry, whitish patch on his palm about 20 years ago. When it started in winter it would fade in spring/summer and then return in winter. Eventually it was just with him year round. His fingertips also get so dry they would crack when he used them like using a screwdriver or if he cut his nails. Tried a lot of creams, bag balm, etc. and also taking supplements. Now he's taking borage oil capsules and they seem to have improved. I'm curious to see if the coconut oil will help that.
  20. Woohoo! It's only ten more work days for me. I'm on the countdown. Our high is supposed to be 56 today with rain at times. So -the usual. This is DH's birthday. Our kids will be here tonight for dinner. We were just talking about that and decided we may actually eat earlier because they may not be here until 7 or 8. We aren't part of the dinner at 8 crowd. Hope everyone is having a great Friday.
  21. This is interesting. Has anyone tried it? When I went to a naturopathic doctor more than several years ago now, he had me alternate between CLA and salmon oil capsules for that healthy fat. Think I'll check out if my health food store has this.
  22. It's a rainy week here, too. Any one else have lilacs blooming? DH picked me some but he had to get on the ladder to do it because we need to prune the tree (they grow really high if you don't prune). That tree is purple with double or maybe triple blooms. We have a white lilac in the front but it hasn't bloomed yet. Have a great day everyone.
  23. I'm really late but it's still Wednesday. Another day down and eleven to go. I realized I have a floating holiday to take before the 30th or I lose it so I will take it and that only makes 11 work days. Hurrah! We had some really wet rain today. Some raindrops are really big and wet. Of course, it was when I was doing the mail and my hair was so wet I used my dryer when I got home for lunch. The trees here are leafing out or blooming. It's so pretty.
  24. So happy for you, Ginger! Yep, after 34 years we are still pulling weeds, too
  25. redhenfarm

    Paul Harvey

    We do listen to this sometimes - usually when we are in the car when it's on. I didn't hear this one but it's neat he talked about your relative and what he has accomplished in persevering.
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