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Everything posted by rockncook

  1. My oldest DD just turned 12. I have a 5 year old DS and a 3 year old DD. I also have an 19 year old dear step son, and a 9 year old dear step son. I had an empty pie crust and ONE egg LOL, plus cheese left over from last night's home made pizza and some ham, so I mixed all that up and threw it in the pie crust, and made a decent, if small, breakfast pie. I also made my first ever cake from scratch LOL. But that was Friday.
  2. Wow, am I actually the first one here? It's sunny and beautiful out today, and I have too much to do to enjoy it, LOL. Had oldest DD's bday party last night, trying to figure out what to do for breakfast this morning. Had planned pancakes, not realizing I am out of eggs. We went through THREE dozen this week! Put off going to the store yesterday cause DS was a bit sick. Have to do that today, plus hit the library and finish an oil order. Then I have to do some baking and LAUNDRY. Mommy of 5
  3. Today I'm waiting for the UPS guy. My bottles are supposed to be here today, but I haven't yet gotten UPS at this house, so Im not sure if I'm at the beginning or the end of the route, and it's drizzling outside so I don't want the box to get wet LOL. The body scrubs are finally made, the bath salts are curing, and the oils will wait until the UPS guy gets here, then I have to get them labeled and repacked to ship out tomorrow. Oh, I also have to do the labels LOL. Dinner tonight is tuna casserole. Blech LOL. Mommy of 5
  4. Snowmom, There are some online craft malls that might be easier to sell your crafts than your own site, unless you're set up to take credit cards already. They work on consignment, like craft malls in the city do. I can't recommend any of them, as I've never used them, but I have seen them around. Mommy of 5
  5. I agree, having that letter could be a good thing, if he tries to get nasty at all. Today will be working all day-some marketing for my new site, dealing with some clients from my real job (which I can't wait to quit, LOL) and then dinner. Oh and grocery/baking planning for the week. I love Wednesdays when sale ads come out LOL. Mommy of 5
  6. Yeah yeah yeah I know it's March..realistically, I do, but, yanno, my brain still says February. My oldest is turning 12 on the 5th, so maybe I'm in March Denial. I always feel WAY older on her birthdays than I do on mine LOL. The groups are http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SimpleLivingForLife/ which is about living simply, and http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SL_MP/ Which is recipes for what I cook each week. They aren't the healthiest of recipes, LOL, but they are good food and cheap. Mommy of 5
  7. Today I didn't get much done. Paperwork day for work, then started two yahoo groups (can I post those links here or no?), and just made some apple flautas with some left over tortillas. Going to go do the dishes and start supper, then hopefully make some bath scrubs for the order I have going out on Friday. It's cold and grey here, Mother Nature is such a tease in February! Mommy of 5
  8. LOL yeah, I"m pretty proud of the will power I've shown. I had a cheddar biscuit with lunch yesterday, and then a bit of the leftover glaze from the peanut butter chocolate cupcakes, and that's IT. DH walked in tonight when I was doing the cupcakes and said "Wow it smells good in here." I'm thinking "Yeah, imagine it from MY end, two days of baking and no eating!" Mommy of 5
  9. In theory, this recipe is supposed to make granola BARS. In reality, I couldn't get the bars to stay together, but it makes a wonderful crunchy granola that the kids are munching on as soon as it's cool. 4 C regular oats 1/2 c brown sugar 1/2 tsp salt 1/2 c honey 3/4 cu melted margarine 1 t. vanilla Mix dry ingredients, then add wet stuff. You can then add any "goodies" you want like raisis, choc chips, candies, etc. Spread on well oiled cookie sheet or 9x13 pan, bake at 400 for 15-20 minutes. Let cool for about 20 mins in pan. If it doesn't have a crunch consistency, put it back in the oven for a few more mins. Once I take it out of the pan, I put it in a colandar inside a bowl to cool better, then bag it. Mommy of 5
  10. Started late, but here's what's going on in the kitchen today: Scrambled eggs with burrito leftovers from last night. Granola (recipe to follow) Cheddar Biscuits (from recipe here, bisquik from recipe here) What's next: Bacon for Breakfast Pizza recipe from here (although it will be a breakfast "pie" cause I don't have a pizza plate) and to go on baked potatoes, which will be dinner tonight Breakfast Pizza Peanut Butter Bread from recipe here (I love finding recipes and saying "I have all that in the pantry") 2 loaves of plain bread
  11. This is a favorite at my house, and one my friend Mary begs me to fix any time she comes to visit-I'm expected to have it ready even if she's just gonna be here 20 mins LOL. 6 chicken breast halves, boneless Sour Cream Seasoning Salt Bread crumbs (As you can see, I don't do a lot of measuring when I cook, LOL) Put breasts in 9x13 pan (when I cook a big amount I do it on a cookie sheet). Sprinkle with seasoning salt, generously cover with sour cream. Cover with bread crumbs until you can't see the sour cream anymore. Bake at 350 until juices run clear (usually about 25 mins). For my family of 5, I would double this, and MAYBE have enough leftover for lunch the next day LOL.
  12. Cream Corn Casserole This is VERY basic and easy. 1 can creamed corn 1 cup crushed crackers Butter Put creamed corn in pie dish (I use 8 inch, if you use a bigger one, may want to do 2 cans of corn). Cover with crushed crackers, and salt and pepper to taste. Put 5 or 6 pats of butter on top of the crackers. Bake in 350D oven until butter is melted. I'm sure you could add to this-red peppers I think would be so yummy, but my kids wouldn't touch it that way, LOL. Mommy of 5
  13. Well I"m getting a VERY late start today, slept in till 8. Well the dogs got me up at 6 and 7 but I climbed back into bed each time LOL. Feeling lazy I guess. Going to make some granola today and not sure what else. Oh and bath salts and body scrubs to match the massage oils, that should be fun. Mommy of 5
  14. About the oils, well, what kind of recipe do you want? A good one for relaxation is 2 tbsp of any carrier oil (olive oil is wonderful, but even vegetable oil works in a pinch) and 3 drops of lavender essential oil. Perfect just before bed!
  15. It's grey and cloudy here, supposed to snow tonight, but reasonably warm. Did the baking for the week-well, part of it. We didn't make it to the store yesterday so I have to go today. Have pancakes put up in the freezer, and 36 muffins still cooling. Well, I baked 36, but some of them are gone already LOL. Cornbread is just about to come out of the oven, and I'll do regular bread this afternoon. I remember waking up at grammas on the weekends, the kitchen smelled so good, there were fresh biscuits to eat, and the back door was open with a bit of a nip in that cold air, but the kitchen was warm anyway, a nd all kinds of yummy things coming out of the oven. I hope my kids have those kind of memories. Supper will be brown beans and cornbread. After we get back from the store and I get the bread rising, I'll be experimenting with massage oils. I have a friend who owns an (ahem) adult toys company who asked if I could come up with some "erotic" massage oils, LOL, so that will be fun. I may yet turn this little hobby of mine into a business. Yay mommafitz for being strong. I'm proud of you. I'm glad you're getting out of the situation (I read your writings on another thread here, I believe). Talk to everyone next sunday!
  16. Just wanted to post my results using this recipe as a substitute for bisquik. I loved it! I made chicken and dumplings last night, and then pancakes this morning. They were perfect. I did find that I had to add a bit more liquid than the bisquik recipe called for, but that was no biggie. I have 34 pancakes in the freezer this morning, LOL, and I've already gone through the first batch of mix that I made!
  17. Hill, This is a little late, LOL, but as a newbie, I find this info EXTREMELY useful. None of what you posted applied to me, cause I live in a small town and we can't afford to put the wear on our car to drive all over like you talk about, BUT...I learned a lot and know, that that option is out there for the future. It's also nice to see this information posted without all the scam crap. Mommy of 5
  18. Does anyone have a recipe for making bisquik. I've read all through the forum (ohman I can't wait to try some of those recipes!) and haven't found one. Between pancakes and dumplings and other goodies that I can cook in large batches and freeze, I go through a lot of it but that stuff is sooooooo expensive! Thanks! Mommy of 5
  19. My grandmother used wild squirrel. She'd fry it for breakfast or boil it and make salad with it (like tuna salad) for sandwiches. She, umm, still uses it when she can find it wild. I remember being 8 years old and the whole family going out to the lake. We had hamburgers and hot dogs, but they weren't done yet so she made me a sandwich and told me it was baloney salad. After I ate it she told me it was squirrel. I was icked out at the time but now I"m thinking..."that's pretty darn frugal!" Mommy of 5
  20. Dawn dish soap works great on automotive grease. The plain, original blue kind. I keep it with my laundry supplies. My dad was a truck driver, owned his own business, and always come home covered in grease. My mom rubbed dawn on the stain, let it sit for a few mins, then threw it in the wash. Works best on jeans, not so hot on cotton shirts, but still works pretty good. DH installs glass, and has come home pretty dirty on days when he's on auto duty. He thought he ruined a pair of jeans once, but I got the stain out and he was amazed, LOL. So was the bosses' wife-she said she wished she'd known all these years! Now if I can just figure out how to get out urethane, LOL. Mommy of 5
  21. One of the things that I've done (this may go in clip clip clip but I"m not active there yet) is to make a price book of prices at the two stores I shop at. That way I know when a sale is really a deal for me, if the store brand is still cheaper, or if it's a tremendous deal when I pair it with a coupon. I've also compiled a list of every meal I have a recipe for (including those that I don't use a recipe for like tuna casserole or hot dogs). Then when I stock up on a particular type of meat when it's on sale, I can use it in a variety of recipes instead of just two or three. While both of these have been time consuming, over the year it will save us a huge chunk of cash, because I am using my grocery money more efficiently. So, if it took me 40 hours to put the two books together, and I save $1000 this year, then I made $1000 for a week's worth of work. That's more than I make at my job, LOL.
  22. I actually found myself disappointed with Shelters of Stone-especially after waiting so long. I just didn't feel as caught up in it as I did with the other ones. Mommy of 5
  23. It's a perfect Sunday here...snowing outside, spent the morning cooking and baking for the week. I love to cook, I just hate cleaning up the mess!
  24. Thanks for the welcome everyone! Go ahead and throw the pies-but be warned-I have spent most of the morning making and freezing chocolate chip pancakes, and I'm fully prepared to throw the batter! Pretty yummy, but it has raw eggs!
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