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Everything posted by Deblyn

  1. Just to pop in and say hello from our friendly local pub which is now online! Our modem got fried after a lightening storm hit the elctricity and caused a power surge. I have had no internet for two weeks now (arrgggghhhhh!!); I do miss it quite a lot. The upshot is I've managed to achieve quite a lot in the time I would normally be on the computer! Mr Lowie is going to take it in to his IT dept at work and get them to sort it out and instal the new modem which is giving him a headache. Hopefully this will get the problem sorted out this coming week. In the meantime - cheers and mine's a pint!!
  2. Deblyn

    New TAG game

    Thanks Ginger! I'll tag Lois. I'll not forget how patient Lois was when I was sitting up at 2.30am (our time) trying against all the odds to get my *********duck in my signature!!!!! I was still very new to the computer and was so chuffed when it worked - she talked me through it (with help from Debbielee). You're it Lois!
  3. This week we have had the first broad (fava) beans, strawberries, mange tout peas and lettuces from the garden. Definitely the tastes of summer!
  4. I am waiting for my pink grapefruit marmalade to boil up and I have made 2 lbs of lemon curd. I will make pizzas for tea as the oven is up; they are nice and quick and easy and the children's favourites. tomorrow I will be baking for the teas table at the Gardens Open day on Sunday - scones, cakes, etc. Glad it's a bit cooler today that's all!!
  5. Deblyn

    Martha's New Digs!

    Made me laugh............!
  6. Best wishes from me too - thinking of you all.
  7. Sorry to hear other's bad news as well. How will your sister cope with bedrest - the thought fills me with horror! sorry about the loss of pets - that's always very difficult. I'm used to chickens and ducks and things but am dreading when our dog goes too.
  8. Deblyn


    Whoops! will try again!!
  9. Deblyn


    Now I think I have got the hang of the photo thing I thought I would share this picture of my favourite flower of the moment - lathyrus rotundifolia which is a perennial sweet pea. Isn't it beautiful? [image]http://pic4.picturetrail.com/VOL44/588530/901290/27662673.jpg[image]
  10. This is in the back garden - all the veg is grown in raised beds.
  11. Taken today in the herb garden
  12. ....I have managed to work out how to post pictures here. I'm putting some of the garden into The Orchard if anyone would like to look. Sorry - but I'm so pleased with my efforts at computing thingies!!!!!!!!!! (Stop laughing now!!!!!)
  13. Hopefully I will get a pic of part of my back garden to appear here! Keep your fingers crossed!!
  14. Deblyn


    My favourite auntie died yesterday; she was 79 and my Godmother. She had quite a hard life for various reasons but always kept a sense of proportion and a good sense of humour. She was my father's sister and spent her life looking aftr her child and parents ; her husband was killed in a train crash when her son was only 3. She moved out of London some years ago to be nearer her sister after their mother died and we saw her regularly as it's not far from us. I will miss her.
  15. Hahahahahahahahaha............like it Cat!
  16. Happy birthday from me! (Can you hear me singing? - bet you're glad you're over there and I'm over here!!)
  17. Is this a fairly standard recipe for cookies? did anyone try it out of the book? I am going to give it a go next week.
  18. If you are not busy next Sunday 22nd June why not come along to Bishop's Caundle and visit our Open Gardens in the village? Our garden club holds the open day when there are a dozen different village gardens open and teas and plants for sale in the village hall (all terribly English!!). It's great fun and everyone is always so nice about your garden!! One day soon I will get some pictures up to show you..........!!
  19. Yesterday was our annual gardens compeitions here in the village. I got the trophy for the best veg plot and was runner up in both the environmental and water feature sections. the children's entry was runner up in their section too. So a good day here at the Deanery!!
  20. I finished The Ladies of Covington Send Their Love on Friday and thoroughly enjoyed it. I think it would make a good film. I am ordering the next two from the library next week - so thanks for the good choice! What's next?!!
  21. I have found the book I was looking for. had a brainstorm and it turned out I got the title a wee bit wrong; it should be Stone Age Farming; I then found it was available at amazon but will use the library first as it's free. Sorry to trouble you!
  22. Deblyn


    I read on a gardening thread a few days ago about making energy piles in your garden, and recall that there is more information on this and other things in a book called I think "Stoneage Gardening" by Anna Moore. Was it here at Mrs S or somewhere else? I wrote the title down and the author so that is what I am going by; however I can find no trace of it anywhere on the net. Did I get it wrong? I need to look at this book!! Can anyone help me? Thanks.
  23. I got the ladies from the mobile library this afternoon and am now on chapter 4. I am enjoying it very much so far, and it is right up my street. Hubby is away tonight, so I will probably stay up late and finish it.
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