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Posts posted by Bamboo

  1. I tried the alumnium foil too. It did work. I also have two large pots (about 14 inches diameter) and for these I bought those clear plastic drain trays that you normally sit underneath plants. I cut a small hole in the center so they would wrap around the base of the plant, and then inserted them into the top of the planter. I used a hot nail to poke holes into the remaining plastic area for air circulation and when I water. Then I just used 2 1/2 inch clear tape to secure the edge of the plastic tray to the edge of the planter. This has worked the best and no one notices my aluminum foil.

  2. Karen,

    Awesome testimony and attitude.



    I agree with you. I too think that eating the right foods and avoiding certain foods can have a positive or negative affect on your health.


    I only take one prescription and so does my hubby. I have insurance so we only have to pay the copay. Thank God above.


    Because I work in health care, I know that many offices will give samples to their patients if asked for them. Make friends with the office staff. Usually they are the ones who see the drug reps and if they are aware that you need drug X, they will be able to ask for samples. I know of two senior citizens with no insurance who get all of their meds this way... Bless those doctors and staff.

  3. Just me again... I forgot to mention that with heirloom seeds, you keep the seeds from the veggie/fruit and save them for next year....


    For tomatoes, you can just smear the tomato pulp onto a paper towel, let it dry completely,then put it in an airtight jar until next year. For veggies/fruits with larger seeds like cukes, cantalope, and squash, wash the seeds really well and lay out to dry on a paper towel. When dry, store them in an airtight container until next year. Then you just plant them like usual. I have tried this myself and had wonderful results with everything.

  4. Alclary,


    Basically, heirloom seeds are seeds that will reproduce the exact veggie/plant year after year. Hybrids are scientifically altered from two or more "parents" to make a "better" veggie/plant. Hybrid seeds, if you keep them for next years planting, usually revert back to one of the parent plants. You'll still get a veggie, but it will usually be different from the first year. Back when everyone thought something bad was going to happen in 2000, I did quite a study of heirloom vs hybrid. I bought all heirloom seeds, from tomatoes to carrots to beans. Everything, and to tell the truth I had more compliments on my veggies (I unload my extras on my unsuspecting neighbors....hey if they aren't there to say no....I assume they would like some and just leave a little gift basket


  5. Hey everyone.. Here are some orange cranberry muffins, blueberry lemon muffins, and of course chocolate-chocolate chip muffins... hope it helps you start your day off right.


    Well I have a short day today and then I get to pick up my nieces and nephew for our Christmas shopping weekend. I'm excited. So are they. We have been emailing back and forth all week. They live about 100 miles away, so we don't see each other often.


    Well I'm on my way to work, so I hope everyone has a wonderfully blessed day.


  6. I just made my first batch of homemade laundry soap (different recipe) and I love it. It makes my clothes softer and I don't even have to use as much fabric softener (I use about 1/3 of what the manufacter suggests).


    The recipe I used is:


    1/3 bar of Fels Naptha, grated.

    1/2 cup borax

    1/2 cup washing soda


    Mix the grated Fels Naptha with 2 cups of boiling water and stir until dissolved. Then carefully add the rest of the ingredients. When done, add this mixture to 2 gallons of water and store. I used an old 300 oz bottle left from my last purchase of laundry soap. You will need to shake the bottle before using as it settles some. It looks like soapy water (not as thick as Tide or Cheer).


    The smell is nice and my clothes are really clean. They even feel cleaner. I figure that 300 oz cost me less than a dollar. Fels Naptha was $1.09, borax was $2.89 (big box), and washing soda was $2.39 (big box). For basically less than $7.00 I will have a lot of laundry soap....

  7. I'm not sure if this is the best place to post this, but Homesteader mentioned Amazon and reference books.


    I get many of my college books at Half.com. My pathology/physiology book was $135.00 and I got it for $6.00 plus shipping (about $5.00). I thought there might be more students or parents of students who might like that type of discount. Everything helps when tuition rates are so high.

  8. Good Morning everyone. The sun is shining here today. Looks like it is going to be a beautiful day. I have lots to do, sometime today. This coming weekend I get my nieces and nephew for the weekend. It is an annual event for us. We do their Christmas shopping all in one weekend (opening deer season weekend). If there isn't going to be any active hunting, my hubby usually takes my nephew out to the blind for a bit. Nephew is young, but absolutely loves it. His parents aren't ready for him to hunt yet, though they don't mind him going to the blind. The girls and I will hit every shopping center around... hee hee. I can't wait.


    Buttercup, the reason classes are on saturday is that most of the students work full time jobs. It is a program through one of our state universities. It is really great. We usually meet about 6-7 times and then the class is over, but it is an all day event when we do meet. It beats tying up a few months going every day or even a couple times a week.

  9. "Does money motivate women differently than men?" I think so.


    {Think about yourself and your job--would you prefer more money or more "benefits" (ie-flex time, etc)?


    I would like better benefits, flex time, ability to work from home, ability to take the day off without pay if necessary.


    Would you be more likely to leave one job for another because it paid more.


    Hard question. It would depend on the location of the new job and just how much money.


    Would a raise motivate you to work harder/longer/better(quality)?


    Money is a great motivator, so yes I think it would help in the short term.


    Is money a long term or a short term motivator?}


    Short term.


    I would appreciate any help you can give me. Men answer for their gender and vice-versa. (Please indicate your gender somewhere in your post--sometimes it's hard to guess from the screen names.)


    Spider is female.







  10. Alclary,


    Also, order the Burpee and Gurney catalogs. You'll have time over the winter to make plans. Burpee has an heirloom catalog. In case you don't know, you can save the seeds from heirloom plants and then replant them. They won't revert back to one of the parent plants like a hybrid tends to do. Some of the heirlooms also have better flavor. Bradywine tomatoes are awesome. So are Rutgers. I have a whole list of the heirlooms I plant,if you are interested, just PM me.

  11. Slgrubbs,

    I'm not a mom, so I might be off here. My mom ran a day care for years and always had some of those plastic pants that go over cloth diapers... do they still make those. If you could find some they would at least allow you to use those diapers and not have to do so much . Just an idea.

  12. Quiltys its good to hear you are feeling better. Let us know what the doctor says.


    Today it is nice outside....cold though, 38 when I left home for work. At least the sky was clear. I was finally able to see the two planets in the east. I think someone said they are Saturn and Venus...

  13. Cookies??? Did I hear cookies? Thanks. I would like the high octane coffee, but I can't have it so I will try the rosemary and honey tea. I have never had that before. How do you make it, Theyd? I do need a break, all this school is really getting to me. Thanks for suggesting it.

  14. I heard a statistic on the news that stated in the 18-28 year old range only 10% voted. I don't know where they got that information, but wow.... that is kind of sad.


    On the other hand there were three young people voting for the first time while I was at my precinct.

  15. Got home from voting. It was busy here too. I'm really glad to see so many people voting. We live in a fairly small town and the city hall was pretty packed. There were three young'un's there. It was their first time voting. They came with their mothers... moms must be so proud.

  16. Hello everyone.... here are some double chocolate chip chunk cookies... will that help to endure the squabbling? I have to admit I will be glad to see the ads go. It was COLD here this morning and damp. They are forecasting flurries here by the end of the week. I can hardly wait for snow

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