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Posts posted by out_of_the_ordinary

  1. Jeepers, we have some of the Pathway Readers and the McGuffey set.   There are workbooks available for the Pathway Readers, but I've never bought those.   We just used the lower levels of the Pathway Readers for DD practicing reading aloud.   She liked that the stories followed the same family. 

    For character building stoires, I really liked Storytime with the Millers. So did DD.  There is one chapter on obedience that really stuck with us...the little boy not obeying and nearly drowning in a manure pit.  https://www.rainbowresource.com/product/001789/Storytime-with-the-Millers.html?


    Mother, I like Freckles, but I think Laddie is still my favorite of her books so far.

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  2. Freckles by Gene Stratton Porter.   This was one I shouldn't have started reading before bed...I keep thinking, just one more chapter.   Her writing is so good.   I bought this years ago when we were able to spend money on "home library building", but I didn't have much time for reading.    Our budget is so tight now that I am extra thankful I was able to get many good books back then.   I am also glad that the sequel A Girl of the Limberlost is on our shelves, too.

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  3. We saved the hair from her haircut last summer.    We put it out in the yard this week.   It is neat to watch the birds gather her hair for nesting material!  :)

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  4. I'm reading the Viking Quest series by Lois Walfrid Johnson.    The back covers say for ages 10+, but I am enjoying it.   It is a set I bought a couple years ago to  have to put back for DD for a future gift (Christmas or birthday....books are always part of Christmas and birthday gifts here), so I'm reading at night, after she's in bed, and before I go to sleep.    Reading helps me relax before trying to fall asleep and I have a stack of books  next to the bed, but I have to be careful to choose books that aren't dealing with too stressful of a topic, as then I don't relax to sleep, or too exciting, as then the book is too difficult to close to go to sleep.


    I'm also reading Family Driven Faith by Voddie Baucham,  Mother Culture by Karen Andreola, and Twelve Extraordinary Women by John MacArthur. 



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  5. Little Sister, do you mean those bright yellow mop buckets on wheels with an attached wringer that has a handle you push down?


    We have one of those.   DH puts the clothes in that before the regular wringer.    It helps with the heavy, heavy water, just being able to sit there and drain off, but the squeezing when we push the yellow handle down still doesn't get out that much.  It also doesn't work well with smaller stuff for us, like socks. 


    The basement floor is so wet.   I understand why most of the videos I've seen of prepper people doing laundry is done outside.



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  6. Washer woes.  :(    


    The laundry mat and using someone else's washer is out due to my metal allergies and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity.   (We didn't even know I had metal allergies until I was swelled up and thick, itchy welted rash covered me for months and we finally connected it to the metal in a GE washer....having the reaction for so long and so bad is what led to my having MCS.) 


    Our last washer disaster drama was 4 months without a washer, handwashing.   This was due to incompetent repairmen,  the business actually liked the warranty company doing a buyout as they get to sell another washer, warranty co.  took weeks and weeks to make decisions;  Finally got a new washer and it was damaged and didn't work, business wouldn't replace, manufacturer wouldn't replace, weeks of stress as there was no one in my area I could get to do the manuf.  warranty work...finally someone at manuf. --everyone I talked to told me something different--gave me the name of a co. that just handled commerical washer repair for them and they finally fixed it.    That was 6 yrs ago.  Thankfully DD is no longer in diapers this time! 


    The commerical place was my first call this time, but they no longer do any residential repair. 

    Waiting to hear back from a repairman.  :pray:


    There are very few repairmen in business anymore around here.  And we need honest and knows what they are doing.   My washer is no longer made, new ones have awful reviews.  I need this one fixed, regardless that it may cost more that it is worth.   There used to be a couple of used appliance stores that also did repair work, but all of those closed up. :(


    DH is handwashing in the basement.   Outside won't work for us.   Neither will the bathtub.   


    He's using the Lavario (pulled it out of the box, after it sat in the box for several years).   Last time, he used plastic tubs and one of those blue breathing plunger washers.   He really likes the Lavario for washing vs the breathing plunger.    Although he's doing his jeans in the tubs with breathing plunger.   He agrees with the lady in the video, the squeezing/pushing water step of the Lavario is a waste.   We have a wringer and he's been using that, but it doesn't get the water out like a washing machine does.   A less than half load of towels, for us,  now takes 2 or 3 long cycles in the dryer.   


    DH doesn't have alot of time or energy, but is doing his best.  (He looks so tired and now instead of working on the yard/garden/time with DD, he's doing laundry).    He thought a 2nd Lavario would help him to speed things up.   I looked online.   They are now up to $179.   I'm willing to pay that.   However, they are out of stock everywhere.   I emailed the co.  a few weeks ago, and they hoped to have them in late May/June.   Then, their site said June/July.  Now hopefully they can begin producing them again in the fall.  :(   https://lavariowasher.com/collections/products/products/lavario-portable-clothes-washer


    Looking on Lehmans site and a few others, I was suprised to see MOST of the laundry stuff is all out of stock and backordered. 

    Any ideas why?   Supply chain?   Demand?   More people prepping for something?


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