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The WE2's

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Everything posted by The WE2's

  1. I just type in federal credit union...and it brings up several sites...for military as well. Ours is a local with a main branch about 20 miles from us. A local one cannot access a federal one...we found that out when we had a water bill due at the Roost and wanted to use our debit at a federal...no go.
  2. Feeling "mean"...hubby thought he was just about ready to run the new pex and guess what!? The hole that they left between the basement and the crawl space has only a 2x4 turned sideways...and it's right under our "bucket" room! We have all our long term buckets stored in that room! Rice, beans, wheat berries, vacuum sealed foods, jars of vacuum sealed crackers and pasta's ... so now he's got to do some serious work on that board! He'll put in a treated 2x6 (?) and then have a piece of iron cut so he can drill a hole and attach it to the concrete? I think that's what he said. Anyway...it's another "STOP...this thing is dangerous!" moment. Went to the Roost to pay the water bill there. Then to $Tree to pick up a package each of highlighters and red roller ball pens...we use them on our "pay bill calender" for each month. Then we were due at the florist shop for an update on their rules and regs etc. We've delivered flowers for them for several years so we were the only ones that weren't new. He also provided each of us with very nice T-shirts with their logo etc. (really nice!) so we can wear them outside...when it gets warmer of course. Also told us he's putting in a new "ice cream" area near the front of their store, and they'll be doing "rolled ice cream"...what a novelty! Praying they'll be very prosperous in that! It's in the downtown area so I can see lots of people walking there from offices etc. There's no real retail in our downtown area...mostly antiques and lawyers...and the court house of course..LOL
  3. We pulled out of banks years ago...have not had any issues with our credit union ... but know this...they're pretty local. The military has some great ones also.
  4. Thanks for sharing your data with us.
  5. With the population density there couldn't be a worse place to have a break out of the CV...
  6. Listened to part of an announcement today from CDC and others that they believe they will be able to control this thing. Also said USA is sending medical supplies (including masks etc.) to several countries, including China, to help them get a handle on this thing. I had to question myself...when does it become an epidemic? Then when a pandemic? The ships that are anchored with these people on board are so at risk...and it's sad that there's nothing they can do to help themselves. They're stuck...totally at the mercy of others.
  7. Put their eggs in the wrong basket?
  8. Still avoiding the cold...staying inside with my Abby-girl. It did get warm enough to start melting some of the snow. Hubby worked at the homestead. Has the joists are taken care of and is now drilling the holes for the pex water lines to go through. There won't be pvc hanging across the ceiling of the basement! It will give us more head space and be secure from possibly coming loose. Pex is more expensive but he used it in the new bathroom and it's so much easier to put in because it's flexible and color coded ... red for hot ... blue for cold. No guessing! We're supposed to have some warming days ahead of us, so the snow should pretty much melt off. Not sure if we'll get any more snow, but we usually do through February...and then March starts warming things up for spring. I'm getting the "garden itch" ... our outside planting season begins April 16th!
  9. The wonderful neighbor that used to own the property north of us here, and also the convenience store, and the ice cream shop...sold out two years ago. Every winter he would plow our alley (where we have to enter to get to our carport to park) for us at no charge. Sure miss him!
  10. The main thing is...you know what's causing the problem! And a doc that has you headed on your pathway to healing.
  11. This is one time I am REALLY glad that we can pay our bills online through our bank! I don't like having to stay inside all the time, but with this junk swirling around...even the different types of influenza...one really has to be cautious. If we are out we really pay attention to anyone around us...if they cough, sneeze, are wiping their nose's or are in the medicine aisle!...we turn and go the other way.
  12. Got us a few inches of snow, but it's been so warm that most of the roads are slushy...but will probably freeze again tonight. Hubby worked at homestead and I hung around with my Abby-girl. Started changing all the passwords...boy is that a dickens of a job. Every site wants certain combinations. I keep a book with them written down. I could never remember them all! Also got all the bills paid! Not much left to last the rest of the month...but we in the black! Next month should be easier.
  13. Can you imagine what it would be like if "it" escapes in the cities where the homeless are already spreading filth? I'm thinking maybe having a good old winter snow/cold would do us good? Just sayin...? People tend to stay inside when it's frigid outside so not as much spreading around? Picked up some more Vit D since I'm staying pretty much inside. Got enough Magnesium and Echinacea to last us for a month or so, and plenty of Oregano Essential oil and Elderberry syrup as well as Elderberry juice.
  14. The weather was at 60+ again yesterday and hubby said "it sure seems awful to have to be inside on another beautiful day like this"... So...decided to go back to the Amish store and pick up more dog food, another case of paper towels, another case of TP and two more packs of sliced ham. Then today, I finished vacuum sealing the pasta's, the gelatins, the popcorn, and putting away other items...hubby took the laundry over and let it dry while he was working. It was cold, rainy and spit a bit of snow but it didn't stay. The ground's too warm from these past couple of days...but it's supposed to snow again later this evening. Hands, feet and back were letting me know I'd been on my feet most of the day... Fixed supper, then we watched the State of the Union address...what a shame that the President of our United States has to endure that type of "white coat" behavior! Changed the bed sheets and pillow cases so I'm done wifey work for the night! Jeepers...I'm hoping to hear that it was a "passing stone" and that you're in recovery mode now. A relative of ours in another state has suffered from them many, many times. Not sure why she gets them so often, but she does. Perhaps genetics? Perhaps dehydration? Who knows!
  15. Stopped by the eye doctor to pay off the last of the bill for the catarac exam and the office mgr was busy for the moment so the receptionist said "take a seat"...I said "No thanks...I don't sit where sick people may be sat" and stepped into the area where they display their frames etc. She got the funniest look on her face...she was probably about 25... Then when I did get to take care of my biz I pumped some of the sanitizer on the counter, and then after I used "their" pen, I sanitized my hands and my wallet. I'm sure they really thought I was a goof...but I didn't go home with anybody's "stuff". Then when I got home I gave my hands a good soapy wash.
  16. I partition my hair into several "clumps". On the top of my head I part it down towards my eyebrows on both sides, then take a hair scruggie and put it in a sort of pony tail at my scalp, and then hanging down towards my chin. Then I measure to my chin and put another hair tie...then I cut about an inch below that hair tie. THEN...I part down both sides, putting a hair scruggie at the scalp, then measure down to where I want it to be, put the hair tie, and again...cut just below the hair tie. I do this on both sides. THEN...I grab two "hanks" from each back side and start twisting it until it's tight...then I cut off however many inches I want. Then under those, I do the same thing again. That leaves me the last lower level which I also do the same to. Once I brush it out, then I part in back, pull to the front, and make sure both are the same length. Clear as mud? Anyhoo...that's how I cut my hair. It's still several inches below my shoulders but that's what I wanted...and the layers especially. Just sharing.
  17. What did we do today? First off...I cut about 4 inches off my hair and put some layers in it. Just got tired of it being just straight and nearly always in a pony tail. Not a bad job if I say so myself! I may still take another inch or two off...I still have plenty! It'was nearly to my waist. THEN...the eagle landed (the real estate senior citizen rebate) so we went Amish shopping. Crackers, tomato sauce, dehydrated canteloupe, mandarin oranges, and pineapple, hemp hearts, pizza sauce, chips, bags of fries (2), bags of potato patties (2), sausage links (2 bags), package of sliced ham, battered cod patties, package of pork chops, 5 chubs of Jimmy Dean sausage, sliced cheese, sausage crumbles (2 bags), two containers of shredded parm, a case of sliced peaches, a flat of mixed fruit, a two case pack of chunked pineapple, two jugs of laundry detergent, one jug of fabric softener, a case of toilet paper, a case package of paper towels, two 30# bags of dog food for our girl...and bag of apples. (We did get some soft cookies that we snacked on as we drove home from Amish country! So... We spent most of the day breaking down the foods we bought and vacuum sealing them. Then took them over to the homestead and put in the "meat" freezer...and the refrig. freezer we have there. Then... We filled the truck up with gas. Then we did Aldi's (for eggs...they had a limit of 3..., bottled green tea ...for me, some bagels and container of green onion dip for tomorrow), Menards (for Abby's evening dental chews) and WM for a couple of 24 cases of Dr.Thunder, 9 dozen eggs for the same price as Aldi's and some Vit D3 (for me) and Tumeric (for hubby). I won't say what we spent other than to say we pretty much spent it all. We've been eating out of our pantry for 3 months now and needed to re-stock so we don't have to go shopping any more...especially if this influenza (not the corona one) continues to rage. I looked at the flu map and it's red nearly all over the US ... but we're yellow...so far. Either way, we just don't want to be out any more than necessary and there's still Feb, Mar and maybe Apr for the influenza season. . Then I used the air fryer to cook some fish, some fries and made up some cole slaw (got a bag for 84 cents). WE'RE TIRED! We still have some vacuum sealing to do in half gallon jars etc., for the pasta's...but we'll take care of that tomorrow. We just needed to get the cold foods broke down and in the freezer. Wanna see?
  18. This may be quite a long shot...but after they did the catarac surgery on my eyes, my dizziness nearly disappeared. The only issue I have now is that I should wear bifocals...and I will when I get the dollars...because my sight still isn't "even". All this past few years med.doc attributed it to thyroid and ears. They may still add to it, but at least I can walk on my own without a cane. I just have to "look" where I'm walking. In my younger days I didn't need to do that...not so now. Age makes us drag or shuffle our feet and I've had to realize that and make the adjustments. Just sayin...
  19. Our doc stopped it a couple of years ago. Not even for thyroid etc.
  20. Jeepers...you can always step out of the scooter (keep your purse with you) and walk around it to look at items you're interested in, and can put them in the cart. Then hop back in and away you go!
  21. Many, many people have said this about Mr. WE2...I agree! LOL
  22. The WE2's


    We're way behind the curve on all of that stuff...and intend to stay that way!
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