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The WE2's

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Everything posted by The WE2's

  1. I don't use oxygen absorbers when I put my dried veggies (or fruit) in jars.
  2. I two I use that I find work perfectly for me (and I do ALOT of dehydration of veggies and fruits) are my American Harvester that has 7 trays but can take several more, and my "biggie" is an Open Country Garden Master with 7 trays but can take up to 20+. Also have an oldie but working, Galloping Gourmet with 5 trays that I can use for garlic & onions etc., or in a pinch if I end up with more product and want to get it drying along with the others. I operate them in my enclosed back porch with the door ajar so I don't have any of the heat or odors in the house. The Excalibur looks awful nice, but alas, it's way out of my price range. I've read some negatives on it anyway, when you try to buy things for it. Anyway...this is my story and I'm sticking to it!
  3. Wonnerful...wonnerful...wonnerful!!!
  4. Yeppers...got a lettuce nibbler in our family too!
  5. We put in four 4x4 squares, in late March. Hubby put small pvc-type pipes cross-ways over the tops and when it was to get cold or frosty, we draped clear plastic over the beds. Every thing came up and was growing life crazy. THEN...suddenly the red onions started going south. Then the tomatoes started wilting. Then we started watering ALOT more and the tomatoes perked back up. The bush beans didn't produce like I expected. The "lady fingure" squash hasn't produced as I expected. The bell peppers haven't produced as I expected. The heirloom corn was the pits, and the hybrid corn caught up with it! The carrots did great, the radishes did great, the yellow neck squash went crazy and I've had to use my special "veggie soap" to keep the squash bugs off it and the other winter squash that's coming on. Not sure if we've worked any less...??? Next year we're making some changes to where we position the produce. We tried to keep low growers on one side of the beds and tall growers (like corn etc.) at the backs. We love not having to weed etc. Next spring, we're planning to put in 4 more 4x4's but maybe deeper and putting corn etc. in them so they can draw from more Mel's Mix. Anyway...for the most part, we figure it's a combination of our inexperience with sfg, draught, and thinking heirlooms would produce more than hybrids. I don't want to dry & preserve my own seeds. I'd rather just vacume seal tons of them and store them in my freezer. Anyway, just couldn't resist posting about our square foot gardening experience. Oh, still not sure how our buckets of potatoes are going to turn out. Chalking lots up to experience!
  6. Guess I'll join the ranks of a newbie (smile). I found much pleasure in a women's place. My first hubby passed onto Jesus about 5 years ago. I re-married and have been married 3 years. Both of us are 60+ and enjoying life retired. At first, I was a bit concerned that my 2nd hubby had all this "stuff" holed up in a house that we've decided to sell. Anyway, one evening during prayer, I felt impressed with many scriptures but especially the one about the foolish virgins. My heart skipped a beat, and I went straight to my hubby and shared what I felt God has spoke to me. Now, we're both on the same page. We got stunted a little when we both suddenly became unemployed (even though retired, we worked jobs) and we're sure glad we had a good start at preparing for unexpected events in life. That's another thing I enjoy about this "ladies community". He reads the men's stuff and I read the women's stuff (smile). Although firearms isn't much of an interest to us, we do know that hunting skills will be an integral part of living off the land etc. I loved the post about being a "gentle" prepper! I also like the thoughts of being a "quiet prepper". Congrats for designing both a knowledgeable web site but also a user friendly one!
  7. The WE2's

    Simpler Life

    I find this very interesting. I guess I thought they didn't bring "outsiders" in and that one had to be born into the community etc. Anyway...very interesting.
  8. When we retired and started "preparing" for travel...we agreed that we wanted a dog. We adopted a Lab/Aussie female puppy that started out as 9 lbs. and is now 60 lbs. at 8 months! Anyway, she's a pistol! One evening we were sitting in the livingroom and noticed she had something in her mouth. Thinking it was her antler we didn't do anything. then we noticed that she kept coming back to us with it. Then noticed she was trying to "crunch" it. After prying her mouth open we nearly cracked up...she had lodged a bar of Ivory soap behind her incisors and across her molars. She couldn't get it out! We had put it at the foot of our bed for restless leg, and somehow it got kicked out and she found it! Didn't even offer to try and take it back from us! Aren't pets a hoot!?
  9. Found a healthy supply of squash bugs in all my squash plants...lost 2 baby plants before I noticed what was causing them to wilt & die. Found a recipe for what I call "veggie soap" and gave whole garden a healthy dose. No more squash bugs by morning! Love the stuff. Recipe: in a medium sized sauce pan filled half with water, put lots of garlic powder, lots of onion powder, 2 handfuls of orange peels, several tbsp. of ginger powder, and a bar of pure glycerin soap (I buy it at hobby stores for my homemade insect repellent soaps). Bring to a boil, and reduce to simmer until soap is completely melted. Then let it steep for at least 20 minutes. Strain into a spray bottle and then fill bottle water. Use it diluted. When completely cool, just spray your veggies leaves and stems. Again, love the stuff but bugs hate it! Be sure to wash your veggies though (smile)!
  10. At the most famous "big box" store, I purchased 2 Ziplock hand vacume units. They work great if you don't have power or ??? I've used the push pin method to store lettuce, tomatoes etc., in my frig for quick use. But I much prefer my food saver vacume...and it's accompanying cannister set that lets me re-use baby food jars for spices, olive jars etc...anything glass that has the gasket seal in the top. Hugs!
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