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Posts posted by euphrasyne

  1. Crochet baby blanket I made for DH's coworker.  the light is bad and the brown is more of a bone/ecru color.  I'm happy with the way it turned out.  The rolling shell border was something new and I liked the way it turned out, though I would be unlikely to do it again as it was a huge PITA.  The blanket itself was my usual thermal baby blanket pattern and was very simple.  The coworker in question was Filipino with strong heritage ties and I was trying for something in her color scheme with a bit of a tribal vibe.  



    River's baby blanket.  I've done rose shaped blankets for each of my children.  I wanted River's to have a bit of a 70s vibe.  I wish I'd done it in blues and greens now, but I still liked the way it turned out.   I was in a 70s aesthetic when I had the baby.  The rose blanket is a super simple pattern and it gave me no issues.  




    Origami Drawer dividers for dresser by front door.   No glue, no tape.  I did use paperclips to attach the boxes to each other so they would stay together in teh drawer correctly.  Made out of leftover scrapbook paper.   Very easy to make in any size takes about 1-2m per box regardless of size.  



    Book mark I drew, colored, and modpodged  for DD15.  This was very easy--just pens, markers and modpodge, but before I broke my wrist.  



    Sorting containers made from leftover grits/oatmeal boxes and scrapbook paper.  A bit of ribbon for trim.  Modpodge, double sided tape, hot glue. 





    Leftover toddler jeans into travelers notebook.  VERY easy.  Cut off legs, sew up bottom, poke holes and insert elastic cord.  Top is open and can be used as a giant pocket.  



    Binder Cover for winter.  I drew and colored the plant L shaped graphics, and the Blue letters are some glittered chipboard letters I had.  This was well before I broke my wrist.  I used to love to draw and color/paint.  



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  2. My old thread got lost, so I'm posting a new one.  

    What are you working on?  --finished or unfinished.  

    Did it bring you joy or irritation?

    What do you like best and what would you change.  


    If you have an older project you did and want to post about that, that is great also!   I'll get a few pics and post mine soon.  

    • Like 3
  3. I've been detoxing physically, mentally, and digitally for a few weeks.  I've cut off a few family members entirely for the time being since they keep trying to snag me into fake and/or self-made drama and chaos.   I love them, but I cannot be involved in that crazy.  They are going to do what they are going to do and it is not my job to mitigate it, fix it, or even give advice on how to avoid it entirely.  So, they are no longer allowed to text, call, e-mail, write letters, or otherwise contact me for the time being.  I'm going to stick to managing those who live within my house only, the others (who have been treating me badly and stressing me out) do not get access to my skillset no matter how much they scream, plead, or demand.  My therapist is happy with the current state of events and tells me it is about time I came to this conclusion and took action on it.  


    I am teaching the baby vocabulary and basic math.  I'm doing a lot of craft projects that are simple and listening to books on audible.   DD15 is finishing up her freshman year of HS and doing testing.   3 weeks left.  DH has upcoming GI surgery and will be starting a liquid diet next weekend.  He will be on it for several weeks and on a modified liquid diet through most of summer.  


    Kids are happy because the front yard is full of hops (rabbits) and a stray cat had 5 kittens under our shed.  We are feeding outside them because I am a pushover.  


     We are trying to rotate the pantry efficiently and are sorting it by dates rather than item type with plans for the sorting to be done by the end of June.  This is a temporary sort so that we can focus on using the earliest dates first and getting back to a good date upkeep.  


    I'm limiting my digital exposure a bit more than usual, so I will post, but probably less than I used to.  




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  4. The piece of vinal stuff I got in occupational therapy gets a lot of daily use on twisting and turning things.   I'd buy a sheet of it if I knew what it was called.  Its super pliable and amazingly grippy for everything.  

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  5. I enjoy reading cookbooks the most.  Its odd, but I will read them through like a novel.


    I love romance, sci-fi, fantasy, mystery, horror.  Space opera romance is my brain-candy to forget the day.  Serial Killer fiction (Hannibal etc.) I also enjoy.  


    Mostly I read fairy tales, poems (mother goose) and children's books as i currently have a 2 year old at home.  

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  6. We live in a closed subdivision.  The neighborhood garage sale was today.  We were going to clear out our garage, but with all the crazy lately, I didn't want to put in the effort.  So we all loaded into the van and went around to the other houses instead.   Everyone cooed over River and she got several 'new' stuffed animals and a toy car.  I got a lot of cookbooks, kids toys, a 4ft tall metal cabinet for $20 and a huge cooler for $25.   SCORE!  I have no idea where I'm going to put the cabinet, but I love that tan colored metal office furniture.  The lady was super nice too and threw in a free whale for River when she saw it and screamed WHALE!  DH had to return home in the van and bring the truck (1 street over) when I got the furniture.  I'm not sure if he thinks that is a successful trip, but I do.   Excuse the dirty floor.  I need to mop and River sneaked crayons out of the office.  I got the art for the frame and mat.  I plan to replace the image.  The crockpot is smallish.  It will hold maybe 2 quarts if completely full.  This brings my total amount of crockpots to 6.  DH says I have an addiction.  I told him I don't have enough crockpots yet.  



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  7. The worst part is that the chaos and drama is over my grandmother who is in poor health but still living.   Her children are fighting over the scraps she has and she hasn't even died yet.   I am so glad I married DH and got myself out of all of it.  I'm really blessed to be where I am.  I'm putting in my will that anyone contesting it gets nothing.  


    I arranged to have a video call  with grandmother through my brother this weekend so I can touch base with her and make sure she has what she needs.  

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  8. Today I got a phone call.  My great uncle, the last living  of 13 children from the same parents is dead.  An entire generation is now gone from that family.  He worked for Mercedes and designed engines and Naskar engines.   But the real reason for the call was chaos, drama, greed, and psychosis over someone else.  That prompted another phone call and that call prompted OPERATION VODKA IN ME NOW.   Family sucks.  I'm glad I live half a continent away and I'm glad that vodka exists.  


    Korean Bimipap for dinner.  10/10 from DD15 and 8/10 from DH.   definately on the repeat menu.  

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  9. Its legal here now to have it and smoke it and grow small amounts of it, but it is illegal to buy or sell it.  I'm a big NOT IN MY HOUSE, NOT AROUND ME person and I've distanced myself from family over that.  DH and I are on the same page.  Vodka is plenty of enough vice for us.  


    Had a quiet day playing with my Silhouette making paper flowers.  I've got an idea for a framed picture with no glass  3d paper flowers and leaves with the words 'The grass is greener when you water it'  above and below.  Perhaps a paper watering can as the vase.  

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  10. Alligator is legal to hunt in MS.   When I lived in Vicksburg, we had a 5pm traffic back up everyday by the MS river bridge because 'Bob' would lay in the road begging for idiots to feed him.  You'd be driving around and the traffic report would come on the radio 'Bob's in the road again.  Please do not feed the ALLIGATORS people.   If you stop feeding him, he will stop blocking traffic.  

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