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First Saturday of 2006


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Mornin' all. Hope everyone had a good week. It's kind of chilly here this mornin'. Have lots to do and I have a couple of days off to get it done. I NEED to get the Christmas decorations down, yikes I'm late again. At least the tree isn't up, right?


Hope everyone has a great weekend. Stay warm.

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today i am very tired, pat and i ended up staying up late reading the book i got for christmas. it is all about disasters in history and what impact they had on the world. a very interresting read.


http://amberbooksnew.users10.donhost.co.uk.../booktitle.asp# you can find it on this link, however you must scroll down untill you see "world's worst historical disasters" then you click on it.


i need to phone the sensai(sp?) and figure out what we are bringing to the potluck on the 14th. i think i will bring some gnocci. it always seems a popular dish.


have a good day!

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It's about 30 degrees here this morning, can't make up its mind if it wants to snow or not. Right now there is a fine snow mist falling.


Snowmom, I hate to take my garlands down too, but I did this morning. Its all getting packed away now. Kitty is playing in it first

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