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BF & Laughter?


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Okay, haven't seen this addressed and it crossed my mind.

The BF causes a cytokine storm meaning the immune system goes bezerk and attacks the body.


Laughter has been proven to improve the immune system. Would laughter during a BF case just worsen the symptoms?

BF isn't a laughing matter, but when someone is ill we all try to cheer them up. Would this be the wrong thing to do in this case? Ever thought about it?

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I was thinking that perhaps it would enhance any cytokine storm that was already or about to happen and not cause one per se. If all it does is increase seratonin levels that would be a plus. I wasn't sure exactly how it worked. That being said, we can all have a good laugh. Thanks for clearing that up.

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Not trying to be argumentive, just still trying to alleviate any doubt. This study shows an increase in active natural killer cells that attack virus infected cells. (That wouldn't be a good thing in case of BF if immune system is in overload, would it?) But it also states that it increases bodys' ablility to use oxygen. (Which would help respiratory problems.) This is getting confusing.


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My thoughts too Becca but then, if it's found that laughter might be GOOD for the BF, I'm open to using whatever I can find to help it.


Somehow I feel we are grasping at straws here. It's my feeling that by the time that the BF goes H2H we will know a bit more about it and there may be some guidelines for caring for those at home. I know from past experience with 27 years of wildlife rehabilitation that good common sense nursing care will go a long way to help whatever illness there is. I for one also want to reread some of the post about that on Mrs. S. Hopefully will pull some for the manual.



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