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Hello everybody! I'm a homesteader wannabe, so I joined this site to get some ideas on how I can start from where I'm at! I live in the city still (in an apartment)with my husband and almost two-yearold daughter, but would love to some day have our own peace of land with a creek or river on it, where I can have a garden, fresh eggs, jam, bread, etc.

I made my first jam today! I'm so excited I thought I'd share that with you all. I hope it turns out ok. I want to make some home made bread and some muffins to have it with too. Mmmm, with some nice hot tea...I guess I'm a little hungry smile.gif.

How do you guys bake your bread? Do you have one of those machines (I can't afford one) or do you just do it yourself?

Well, I don't mean for this to get long, I'm just excited that there is actually people out there that like the simple life that they live! Can't wait for that to be our case too!

Any advice you would like to share would be welcomed!

Have a great day!


Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, and His love endures forever!

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Hi, HappyGirl! I'm fairly new here, too, but they are a good bunch. We have about 7.7 acres. Some of the people here have more and some seem to be in the city, like you. I hope your dream comes true for you!

Mmmm. I wish I was there to taste your jam. Nothing better, imho, than homemade bread and jam or apple butter. I use a machine to do my bread now....I have some health problems and don't have the strength I need in my hands sometimes, but I used to make it without the machine.

Lots of people garden using containers even in apartments! It might be kind of hard to get any farm animals on the balcony, if you have one, lol, though. Anyway, though rural life is nice, it seems like one can simplify and get back to some of the older things no matter where one lives.

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Hello from Dorset England, where I make all my bread by hand! I'm not a gadget fan, and find I have plenty of time, as well as two little willing helpers when it comes to making bread, baking, jam, etc

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Hello there, I am so happy to see you made it here. I garentee you will love this place, they are so warm, loving and supportivehere. If one of us has a problem, they all gather around to comfort and help you where ever it is needed. We all are family here. So now you have a great big huge, loving family on the net that is as close to you as your finger tips and yet live all over the world.

when I make home made bread I do it by hand. I don't make it a whole lot because I too have hand problems and am disabled, but, shhhhh, don't tell my hands that because I can't stand being lazy and don't want them to cop an attitude on me. LOL

I had a friend give me some bread one time for christmas that she made with her bread machine and the texture and flavor is diffrent. So I just make bread the old fashioned way when ever I can, which is really when ever I find the time.

My husband and I just got our pastors licences (ordination, degree, what ever you want to call it.), we are preparinf to turn our 20 acres (that we hope to some day grow into 1,800 acres we found around the corner from us)into a homestead ministry where we will teach struggling families about God, how to survive in tough times and teach them a trade so they can make it out there on their own.

We both are 4-H leaders also, he is a chef by trade and I am a merchandiser, demonstrator and marketing rep. (All guts and glory, you make a living but the pay is only enough to survive on )-: )I work for about 20 diffrent companies and find myself running all the time for one or another. Anyone wishing to get started in this line of work, there is a need for good workers and part of it you can do from your home, you are your own boss and you decide what and when you will do it and when and what you won't do. It is a good job and has some very good bonuses that come with it.

We raise poultry here so far but hope to add pigs, goats and calves next year. Plus start a garden again. If you want some tips on what you can do to homestead in the city, please feel free to ask me. I owned and ran a homesteader message board for 2 years and we had a homesteader that lived in down town San Deago, California. We all learned a lot from her and I can pass along some of her lessons to you.


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Welcome to the "family".....

I bake bread by hand, it's good therapy.

I really like doing it by hand, I do however have a machine for rolling out noodles. There is nothing to compare to home-made jams.




Friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet when

our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.

[This message has been edited by Lois (edited October 02, 2002).]

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Hi Happy Girl, welcome to the family. You will come to love reading all the posts both silly and serious. It's like a good book that doesn't end.

I don't have a bread machine, gave it away, I prefer to make it by hand. I also make my pizza dough by hand. Homemade pizza is a great hit in my family, two growing teenagers with not end to their appetite or their friends appetites.

Sit back and enjoy,

I send happy greetings from vancouver, Canada




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Hi Ya Happygirl!! wavey.gif I guess i'm the only one here that goes to the store and buy's/eats that deflated foam stuff they call bread!

What kind of person am i?????

Well anyway....congratulations on making your first jam! (something else i haven't done....man!)

And a hardy Welcome to the family!


PS.....stupid me....pointed the thumb in the wrong direction again.....and can't change it.....sorry.......(thumbs UP!)




[This message has been edited by debbielee (edited October 02, 2002).]

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Good morning and welcome. smile.gif At last, someone else from MN. We are north of you about 200 miles.

We have about 20 acres at this time. We use to have a hugh garden, over an acre, but now we don't have a garden at all. We did plant tomatoes in pails this last summer, but it was late, so didn't get many from them.

At one time we raised chickens and we also have raised goats. smile.gif

My husband is Old Pine, and he posts once in a while in here, but not often. We have 3 adult children and 7 grandchildren. Only one of the kids are here in MN., and they are about 1 1/2 - 2 hours drive from us. The other two are in TX. So we don't get to see them much. DD was home this last summer, but haven't seen #1 DS for over 2 years now. Oh, DD is dear daughter and DS is dear son. smile.gif We also have 2 large dogs who think they are people. smile.gif

I use to make bread a lot, by hand. Then a few years ago, DH got me a bread machine. I don't use it either. I buy most of the bread since I don't eat white bread. He eats white and I eat the 12 grain. One of these days I will have to get started making it again, but if I make it, I will probably do it without the machine.

What kind of Jam did you make? I know I have made several different kinds of jellies, but never made jam. We prefer the jelly, so that is why I make that.

Nice to have you join us here. smile.gif



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You guys are all so nice! Thank you all for a warm welcome! I hope some day to have some experiences I can pass on to you! For now I'm afraid I'll have to be the "taker", but I promise that when I know enough, I'll pass the knowledge to others, hopefully to my own daughter! I can't wait to be able to teach her how to cook, bake, etc! At the same time, I feel as though time is passing quickly, and my little girl is no longer a baby.

I think I'm going to bake some bran muffins today. The jam I made was strawberry jam, and I really don't want to try it until I have something homemade to try it on...picky me! smile.gif Do you think Bran muffins will go with strawberry jam?

I fell asleep last night thinking about how nice it would have been to be able to pick the strawberries from my own garden instead of having to buy them. We don't have a balcony in our apartment, so we can't do any planting like that. But when we do get a place of our own, I'd like to be able to plant veggies, fruit, and even herbs! I'd love to have fresh spices to add to my cooking...

Well, don't mean to ramble on...

I hope and trust that all of you (all around the world!) feel loved and blessed today...because you are!

Have a great day!


Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, and His love endures forever!

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Great to have you join us, HappyGirl!!

At Mrs. Survival, our members are at many varied stages of living a preparedness lifestyle but I truly believe we all have the same heart towards the subject of surviving off the land. Some of us are able to live simply and wholesome now and some of us like yourself yearn to be able to someday and are putting up information for tomorrow.

I belong to the latter group. Most all of what my family of 4 consumes, does presently come from the store...But over the 4 years I have belonged to this website, I have gleaned and tucked away so much information and wisdom from these pioneer women here...that I just know I can do it all when the time is right.

Main thing is that we share what we know, encourage where we can, and always strive to learn more.

Glad you are here smile.gif


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Welcome Happygirl smile.gif All of us are definately in differing states of preparedness. I have a small garden, but live in town. Can't grow everything I'd like to. Maybe someday!

Your jam sounds yummy! It's been ages since I made jam. Currently on a no refined sugar/flour diet so all my treats will have to be virtual!

Brought a loaf of fresh baked bread to taste your jam with wink.gif



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Welcome ((((Happygirl)))) Glad you've joined us; it's a great place with such nice people. We are serious, silly... and yes Debbie I am another that will once in awhile buy the frozen bread loaves. I rarely have time to make homemade bread dough and find it quite a chore.

I have a breadmaker but rarely use it either. Keep your eyes open at garage sales, you can pick them up cheap.

I brought some cinnamon, caramel, pecan rolls for your welcome party.



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Welcome happygirl!

Right now I'm sitting in a hotel room with the children...

I had to have my house tented today because of termites...


So much for nature...




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Termites....ack,Darlene. I used to live in Central America and I miss it....except for the termites. On the Mosquito Coast, they are a constant problem no matter what you do. If you use mahoganey(which was inexpensive there), they don't eat it but they got into my library and I still have little holes going through every page of some of my books where they bored through them.

Then, every May they would swarm,lose their wings and die. Ah, man, I'd go to bed at night and kill about 40 of them before I got in and then wake up in the morning with dead one or their wings all over my sheets. I had to remind myself, "You're here because God told you to be, You are here because God told you to be, You are here...." I eventually decided that May was a really good time to come back to the states for a visit, lol. You couldn't keep them out of the house. I tried all kinds of ways, asked everyone I knew. The answer was always the same...they'll be gone in 3 weeks, which they were, but argh! What a 3 weeks.

You know, it just occurred to me...I don't like snow...but this year when it snows, I think I'll make myself remember the termites in warmer climates, lol.

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Hi Happygirl!

Welcome and I like your name. i'm fairly new also but its a great family to be a part of. My husband and I are selling everything we own, buying a camper van and going to travel for a while. I think we'll feel like homesteaders even if we aren't. I got my bread maker from a yard sale for $20 but you might try a pawn shop also. Mine is even going with us. Talk to you soon.


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Howdy Happy Girl,

Welcome to the family. I'm a small town dweller but love all the modern gadgets. We have a great bread maker. My wife is a professional cook for a major University here in Texas and when she makes bread it's usually by the hundreds. So it's me or the kids (which are all grown, but live at home, all 3 of them) that make the bread. I'm afraid my Jam is store bought, but it's from a country store(LOL). Anyway, Welcome and we'll be talking at ya.


Always Seek&Follow the Light.....Wheeler

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I just wanted to thank you all once again for such a warm welcome. You have all become quick friends, and I come here at least once a day to see if there is anything new. So much for having a life! I enjoy reading what you all have to say, and have gotten some good ideas from all of you. Thank you for your encouragement...


Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, and His love endures forever!

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