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Canning from Thanksgiving sale items


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I know some of us are looking forward to the sales on Thanksgiving foods to stock up on like cheap turkeys etc. How do you plan on preserving them if you are planning to stock up too, besides the freezer. Any other method than just soup? I might need to plan on making a huge pot of broth from the carcass and canning that, or going ahead and planning to make soup. This will affect my clean up and storage of the leftovers somewhat. Also, I will need to have plenty of carrots, celery, onions on hand, as I would not want to brave the crowds to pick up a few things. Preplanning will help me, I won't have to worry so much about the 100 ways with leftovers, just save enough turkey for 2 days and can the rest of the meat.

Whatcha think?

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we bought 2 turkeys last year and just canned the meat and broth. It does mostly end up as soup, but when I use it I like to make it with fresh onions, carrots and celery and home made noodles. It helps take a break from eating so much canned stuff all winter. Which is funny cause with the exception of cream of broccolli the rest of my soups are canned.

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I make molé from leftover turkey. I guess, more correctly, I put molé sauce over turkey. If you aren't familiar with molé, here's the wikipedia information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mole_(sauce)


My hispanic mother-in-law (who just passed away 10 days ago at age 94 years 10 months) gave me a super simple recipe. Use the pre-prepared Doña Maria Molé sauce in a glass jar. Empty the jar into a heavy-bottomed sauce pan on low heat. Gradually add in enough chicken or turkey broth to make a sauce to consistency of very heavy cream. Stir until throughly mixed and warm. Add in slices of turkey and cook on low heat until warm throughout. Serve with refried or whole pinto beans, rice, and tortillas.


Moochie's recipe for spanish rice was also simple. It's just long-grain rice with some sauteed onion and a can of tomato sauce. She substituted chicken or turkey broth for the cooking water. Cook until done.


By having the turkey already canned, it makes this a very quick and easy recipe to fix!

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