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Fever Blister and lump in my chin


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First, is there anything that can be put on a fever blister or cold sore to dry it out and get it to heal quicker?


Also, I have a knot that has come up under the skin in my chin. It is about the size of a dime and moves around when I push on it. I mentioned it to my mom and she started freaking out that it may be a lump.

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Mom's are like that! the lump could be nothing more then a swollen salivary gland. While it is really nothing it does need to be looked at.


could be a tumor the worst case is they need to remove the lump which is a simple give you a pill..valium comes to mind, they will numb the area and they make a small incision and remove it...no big deal, you will not feel a thing nor will you care once that pill is taken. (ask them to stitch on the inside and glue the incision.. no real scar)


If it is a swollen salavary gland.. antibiotics and worst case it may need to be drained.. again no big deal.. they numb you and put a needle in and drain it.


both cases you will be sore once the numbing has worn off.


and it DOES need to be looked at now while it is small and not the size of a grapefruit! most likely nothing but why take any chances?

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I second that recommendation on the L-lysine. Suffered through cold sores for years until I found out about it. There is a product on the market called "Abreva" that works pretty good on the few occasions that I have a cold sore. It isn't cheap...tiny, tiny tube at Wally World a couple of years ago was around $14.00....haven't bought any lately. It worked real well, especially if it was put on as soon as I noticed the "tickling feeling" I get on my lip when one is starting up.

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Yep the lump is under the jaw line. I am going to the Health Unit today while I am in town to have them check it.


And the Fever Blister is almost completely healed. I found some "hepa-" something chap stick like medicine that had L-lysine in it for only $4.44 instead of the Abreva that was almost $14.00 and the one I bought is the size of a tube of chap stick and the Abreva wasn't close.


Thanks for the recommendations!

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