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Had a good day today


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Today is my daughters 19th birthday, so I have been somewhat busy.

She had to go to college for the morning, but when she came home we went with her grandparents back to the hospital she was born, she was a premature baby and was in special care for 6 weeks & was allowed home nearly 5 weeks early due to the great care by all the dedicated staff there. Without there dedication she would not be here today to celebrate her special day.

We go to the hospital every year so we can give them a check so they can buy an apnea alarm [it alerts staff when a baby stops breathing].

There are still two nurses on the unit who was there when she was born, though one is due to retire. She will be getting a large bouquet of flowers tomorrow. My daughter also likes to take a large box of chocolates in to be shared with all staff members, her reasoning is they saved her life so they deserve a little treat even if they are on a diet.

Now I am sure some will wonder what the big deal is..... well she was born nearly 11 weeks premature had 3 large brain bleeds that left her with a stroke, cerable palsy and hydrocephalus. I was told she would be profoundly disabled would not sit up or walk.

With intensive physiotherapy she was able to sit up unaided at 19 months and was walking at 21 months. Sometimes the experts are not always right, at 30 months old she had to have brain surgery for a shunt to control fluid build up from her hydrocephalus. This valve is for life but will need replacing from time to time.

So going to the hospital each year acts as a reminder how vunerable and small she was [13 inches long] shows the staff what one of there babies has grown up to be and I get to talk to other parents facing similar situations and they get to see things are not quite so dark with there babies diagnosis.

Afterwards we all went for a chinese meal, where I reminded her she owes me a box of hair dye for all the grey hair she has given me over the years.

Now we are vegging out together, it has been raining all day so she decided we should stay at home instead of going to watch a movie, and instead we are going to watch a DVD have a wine spritzer and some choccies.

I hope you have all done something special today.

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