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Canner Weight Mishap and Lesson


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Hi Everybody,


I will also post this on the "Are you Really Ready?" thread, but I wanted to put it here first because this is where everyone is always so nice and helpful to me.


I have a 22 quart Mirro pressure canner (about one and a half years old). It has a ball-shaped weight. It’s the kind that you can keep whole or remove one or two sections to use as needed for 5 pounds or 10 pounds or 15 pounds of pressure.


Well, the round nut-looking thing (like from the hardware store) on the bottom of the weight fell out. It is supposed to hold all parts together and it is where you screw it onto the canner. I’ve tried putting it back in, but it won’t stay in. On Friday, I called the Mirro company to ask if they could help me put it back together. The answer was no and that they could not replace it. They suggested that I buy a new weight over the internet from www.pressurecooker-outlet.com.


I have an extra gasket but no extra weight and no extras for the other little parts. I’ve always read that I should have an extra gasket, but I have not seen where I should get extras for the other canner parts. I should have figured this out for myself, but ..... So I’ll be ordering extras for everything next week.


This has been frustrating, especially since I had filled jars ready to can, but I’m glad this happened while I can still easily get parts delivered. Future deliveries may be very difficult or extremely expensive.


This reminds me of a saying I’ve seen on maybe this board – “One Is None and Two Is One.” I like the idea of 3 is 2 better.


Hope this helps someone




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