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Testy Tuesday


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Main Entry: tes·ty

Pronunciation: \ˈtes-tē\

Function: adjective

Inflected Form(s): tes·ti·er; tes·ti·est

Etymology: Middle English testif, from Anglo-French, headstrong, from teste head — more at tester

Date: 1523

1 : easily annoyed : irritable

2 : marked by impatience or ill humor




That about sums up my day... shrug and I don't rally know why. I just feel irritable in general... be glad you're not near me irl... ashamed


I stayed up late and then the little ones woke me up early. coffee2 My first bleary eyed moments saw my personal bank in the headlines. I honestly considered loading up the younger kids and heading up there to take what little money I have out.


Decided to wait after dh's council (although I am closing the accounts later this week). So I went into cleaningmode trying to get my rear in gear. laundry Decided to wash some bedding and then proudly hung the big thick comforters on the line to dry clothesline ...when kaboom a shower struck so hard and fast it was pointless to try to rescue them. Now we have severe thunderstorm alerts.


I was so irritable with the kids, it was pitiful. I'm still struggling with this liver thing and it can make me so very tired, past tired. So maybe that's it.


Well, I guess I'll stop whining. Everything's really fine, I just don't feel good, ya' know? And when Momma ain't happy...


I hope that YOU are having a great day! And that I wake up on the other side of the bed in the morning.

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I think it's in the air, Stephanie. I was on the phone with my cousin today and told her I've been so grumpy lately. In fact, I warned my son when he came over Sundy to mow that I was in a foul mood so don't take anything personal. She said the exact same thing. She apoligized to her husband this morning over her grumpy attitude yesterday.

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Oh whew...it's not just me! I actually "holed up" in my bedroom once or twice this week to avoid snarling at anyone that came near me. I made sure all the chores were done (mine as well as the kids! LOL!) made sure everyone was fed, and then went and hid in the bedroom. I can read in there, and the extra computer is in there, so I have internet access if I want... but mostly I just curled up in bed and sorted through all my LISTS.


I'm feeling better, cheerful and ready to work now, but two days ago... uh, not so much.

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