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Plum Chutney

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Seems like everybody is canning something. My Sis-In-Law just sent me this. She got it from a restraunt somewhere in WY and says it's just out of this world.


Plum Chutney

5 C plums, pitted, peeled

1/2 C ginger root, coursely chopped

4 cloves garlic, smashed

1 c. onion, chopped

2 c brown sugar

1 1/2 c cider vinegar

1/2 c lime juice

8-10 hot chilis, seeded and diced

peels of 3 oranges, in large dice

2 cinnamon sticks

2 teas. nutmeg

1 tsp. ground cloves

2 teas. salt

2 teas. black pepper


Combine all ing in large pot and simmer 20 min, stirring often. Taste, adjust to suit, and cool. Remove cinnamon sticks, and process in pint jars. Or keep in the refridgerator for several months.




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Well, if any of you try it, I'd sure like to know what you think. Re-reading that recipe makes me think that it might be a little over medicated with the nutmeg and cloves... But then again, my SIL usually has very good taste! (She married my Bro after all...:))

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