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What is the difference?


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a dial is a circular thingie on top of the lid with numers writteen in it and a number. The numbers will probably be 0, 4, 10 and 15 - those being the pressure you will want to know about.



a weighted canner is what I have. It has a 3 part weight to put over the steam outlet and the weight jiggles around to keep the steam pressure inside at where you want it.


Did that help?

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thanks NYDebbie. Okay, I know what a pressure dial looks like. I have one on my canner. I also have a weight that goes over the steam outlet. The weight is rated for 15# so it doesn't jiggle when I use it. But, since I have both a dial and a weight, which pressure do I use?

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Hmmm. I have both a dial and weight on mine, but I don't depend at all on the dial, but on the jiggling of the weight.


If you need to can at 10lbs pressure, you put a weight for 10lbs on the steam outlet. When the steam builds up to the 10lbs, the weight is lifted up by the extra pressure, and the pressure is released, which is what makes the weight jiggle. That 10lb weight keeps the pressure right at 10 lbs, more or less.


When something says to pressure can at 11 lbs, then I kind of use the dial, but still depend on the weight. If I'm supposed to can at 10lbs, then the weight will jiggle about 4 times a minute, and that lets me know I've got the heat just right.


If it's supposed to be at 11 or 12 lbs, then a jiggle 5 times a minute or even 5 times a minute lets me know I've got about the right amount of heat applied.


All this to say that if you only have a 15 lb weight, then I'm not sure how that would work. If it was me, I guess I'd just depend on the dial, assuming you had it checked this year or it's brand new. Then you would just adjust the heat until the dial reads exactly what you want (which it never seems to do...it hovers around the numbers, which is why I depend more on the jiggling of the weight than the dial).

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You have a Presto, right ? You don't have a weight, that is a counterweight. It is not meant to measure pressure, only to allow pressure to build and be held in the canner. Technically it will jiggle at 15 lb. but it is not meant to be used in that manor. You have a dial gauge canner.

If you want to use the Presto as a weighted gauge, you need to buy a three piece weight set. It is part number 50332. Not all canners will accomodate it, however. Depends upon how old your canner is, if it will fit on the vent pipe or not.

If it fits, then you use the 10 lb. weight, let it jiggle the whole time.

A Mirro will jiggle so many times per minute. So will an All American, but they come with both a dial and a weight set.

Presto needs to jiggle the entire time during processing if you use the weights.

Leave the dial on, but just use it for reference, but you then rely on the weights instead.

The dial gauge is used at 11 lb. pressure if that is what you rely on. A weighted gauge, you use 10 lb. in most cases, unless you live at high altitudes or are canning fruit. Fruits are processed with a 5 lb. weight.

The part a weight or counterweight sits on is called a vent pipe.

I hope this all makes sense to you.

If you need help, let me know.


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Well, thank you, Violet, for that lesson. I didn't know that about Prestos. Very interesting. It's a good thing you came in, because I obviously know nothing at all about Presto canners. I wondered why in the world a canner would come with just one single weight. smile I've always used canners with weight sets. It's good to know a Presto can be used with weights if you prefer. The dials always make me a little suspicious and nervous...you just never know if those babies are really working correctly.


This also explains the old recipes I've been looking at and trying to get things at an odd number of lbs. rofl Apparently the writer had a Presto, and I've been trying to duplicate using an AA. Ah well...I'd rather overprocess than underprocess.

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Oh, Violet, I was hoping you would chime in. You explain it very well. Thanks.


So, I was processing at the right pressure(when I could keep it that low, I have an electric stove). I had my gauge tested at the Extension Service office.


I keep wanting to check out the 3-piece weight set and see if it can work on my canner but things have been a little on edge around here.


Thanks again.

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