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Need some encouragement, prayers, and advice


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I really want to get out of suburban NJ. I don't feel safe here. I want someplace more rural, a bit of a homestead or at least someplace in a small town, someplace with more reasonable (less restrictive) gun laws (I'm debating filling out my FID paperwork because some of the questions on it are very personal). I've wanted to move for a few years, but I'm getting a VERY overpowering urge to get out NOW while we still can.


I feel like I MUST move next summer. I just don't know if my husband is willing to do it. This is a VERY stong feeling like I've had when the spirit is directing me to do something.


I feel like I'm going to have to choose between the safety of my children and the love of my husband. frown I love him and he's a good man, but he doesn't get it.


Any prayers for discernment/wisdom as to what to do and the strength to do it are appreciated. Also any advice would be good.


FWIW, my parents are starting to get it and want to get out of suburban PA (the live in a suburb of Philly) and are willing to move, too.





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This is a very big decision and I will certainly pray with you about it. I'm so glad that your parents are coming on board and hope that your husband will soon.


Don't panic, you can't think clearly when that happens (speaking from experience). A lot can happen between now and the summer when you want to move.


When we were trying so hard to find just the right place and I was so depressed and finally just gave up, thinking it would never happen. But then GOD! Doors started opening and the right place was available with the right terms in the right area!


One of the smartest things I did was get a brand new notebook and make it my CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE. wink I put any info I gathered, questions I wanted to find answers to, notes about certain areas that we were looking at, etc. It was good to have all my thoughts and info in one place. I even wrote some of my prayers concerning the move I hoped to make. It made me feel calmer, like I had a plan and was making some progress.



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My heart goes out to you, and I over understand the burden you are feeling. A few thoughts came to mind as I read your post, so I'll just share them randomly...


If God has laid this burden on your heart through the work of His Spirit, then He will bring to completion this change that He has destined in your life. Your hope and focus is not the move, not in your husband, not in any external thing...it is in Him and Him alone that you must strive to keep your sites set upon. He is your hope, He is your answer, He is the only one that can open eyes, hearts and minds.


I don't find in the scriptures where we are taught to go against our husband...I DO understand what you're saying and how you're feeling...I'm just trying to share that in our humanness, when we're feeling very pressed and we're trying to figure out a way, our minds are limited in available solutions. Over and over and over again the Lord reminds me that my ways are not His ways, my thoguhts are not His thoughts...His thoughts and ways are much higher than mine. So many times I have gone before Him in prayer, presenting what I thought was the most brilliant, caring, answer to an obstacle in my life and as I waited for Him to orchestrate this miracle I had come up with that would bless so many people, I would wait and wait and wait until I began to accept that my idea wasn't so bright, my idea wasn't the answer He had planned and I had to learn to trust Him...trust in His timing that tests the best of us, but which is always perfect and holy.


The enemy is going to try to fill your heart and mind with hopelessness and dispair...that is his only gift he offers. He'll try to convince you that there is no way out but this pinhole that you can see with your earthly eyes, he'll burden you with fear and panic, etc etc etc. None of this is from your Heavenly Father, and none of it is His will for your life.


Heavenly Father,


I was just reading in Your Word this morning some scripture that says that when we don't exercise wisdom or lack it, that we need to come to You and ask that You bless us with Your holy wisdom so that we can discern the different situations we are facing in our lives...


So Father, I ask right now, in the Name of Your Son Jesus, and because of all that He accomplished on the Cross and in His Ressurection, that You breathe the Word from Your Holy Throne that Funky be blessed with an abundance of Your wisdom from this moment forward. I ask this Father so that it will honor You and Your faithfulness and love in our lives. I ask this Father so that she can honor You in the decisions she is facing in her life. I also ask this Father because You have stated this is Your perfect will in our lives and because we know in our heart that it's all about You. You are the only One who can meet these critical desires of our hearts and needs in our lives and we acknowledge that because You alone are God.


So Father, in Your powerful and tender love, pour Your Spirit out over Funky's heart and mind...stilling the raging winds that torment her. You moved her heart to place this post for a reason and so I thank You Father for the answers that You will bring her that will far exceed her wildest dreams or expectations...


In the Name of our Lord and Savior who I love with a passionate heart,


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